Argentine President Javier Milei Blasts UN Hypocrisy and Defends Israel in Bold General Assembly Speech (Video)

During his address at the 79th General Assembly session of the United Nations in New York, Argentine President Javier Milei criticized the UN for its anti-Israel bias. Melei exposed the organization’s frequent opposition to Israel, the sole bastion of liberal democracy in the Middle East, while it fails to effectively address global terrorism.

President Milei, known for his libertarian views, also pointed out the hypocrisy within the United Nations, noting that the institution that claims to uphold human rights paradoxically includes oppressive regimes like Cuba and Venezuela in its Human Rights Council without any criticism.

In response to Milei’s unwavering support, Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon expressed gratitude, acknowledging Milei as a staunch ally of Israel. This comes after Argentina officially recognized Hamas as an international terrorist organization following the group’s Islamic attacks on October 7.

President Milei, who made his first international visit to Israel after his election, met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. His visit was a clear signal of his commitment to strengthening ties with Israel, including his pledge to relocate Argentina’s embassy to Jerusalem.

Ambassador Danon lauded President Milei’s courageous stand at the UN, stating, “I was moved to hear the speech of the President of Argentina at the General Assembly. President Milei, you are a true friend of the State of Israel. In this hall, where we were slandered all day, you showed courage and supported Israel! Thank you!”

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad

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