Moscow, September 2, 2023 – Russia has embarked on a groundbreaking two-year pilot program introducing Islamic banking for the first time, aiming to explore the feasibility of this financial system. The...
"Sweden finds itself in the midst of a high-stakes showdown over Qur'an burning and the implications it holds for free speech, cultural integration, and the potential adoption of Sharia law.
The power acquired by the Islamic community today could serve as a decisive force in fulfilling their ultimate ambition of establishing Sharia law as the governing system in Western nations.
It is an unofficial declaration of war by Ukraine against Hungary, Croatia, and thus against NATO and the EU. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Croatian President Zoran Milanovic now find themselves on a...
In Germany, a Muslim can spread writings about the killing of apostates, but a non-Muslim German is not allowed to warn against Islam’s orders to kill non-believers.
Leftist activists, politicians, and organizations assist this violence and jihad on free speech by calling all who openly criticize Islam of being guilty of “hate speech.”
The left-wing Dutch government targeted Geert Wilders because the politician asked his voters during an election campaign event whether they wanted more or fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands.
U.S. Democrats and their celebrity activists have never once promoted a boycott of the Islamic regimes that stone, execute and jail their homosexual citizens.
"Let’s remember that these terrorists, these criminals, these murderers don’t represent any religion, or any Muslims here in Canada or around the world." - Justin Trudeau on the recent French Islamic beheadings and...