Young German Tourist Reveals Video of His Attack in Open Borders France

A German tourist shares a video capturing the moment of his assault in migrant crime-infested Montpellier, France. Recounting the incident, he states, ‘I was robbed yesterday, with a gun (which turned out to be fake) to my head, a knife to my neck, and numerous blows to my head. I’m okay; please take care of yourselves.’

Then, on social media, where he posted the video of the attack, one user wrote to him, asking, ‘Who’s filming and not coming to help? Wtf, sick world. Get well soon.’ In response to her comment, he clarified, ‘They had a fake gun and a large kitchen knife later, so they didn’t do anything – they should have just handed over the watch straight away instead of running (you can still see parts there).’ He even included a picture depicting what he was describing.”

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • I always walked in the city with my pitbull 35 years ago. Nobody ever bothered me? I had my pistol too, in case. I hate dirtbags. We have some here now. All the social pollution and trash is moving around again. Remember, if somebody has the means, intent, and opportunity to do you harm, then just blow their fckin head off!

  • One thing to mention here. We know in Europe personal firearms rights are not like the United States. Therefore, men and ladies should exercise and take up martial arts training. You have to practice and spar, with full contact. Get a mouth guard and a cup(for men). The reason for full contact is to train for real life contact. You need to follow through with punches and kicks. You have to also learn to take a hit and to keep fighting if injured, or wind knocked out of you. Ground fighting skills as well. Even if you have a few basic moves and know them well, it is better than standing there helpless.


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