The Devil Quotes Scripture (Video)

Imam Zulfiqar Khan’s interpretation of these ancient religious texts as inciting hatred towards Jews sparked intense debate and condemnation.

Bologna, Italy – October 27, 2023 – Imam Zulfiqar Khan of Bologna has become a focal point of intense public outrage following his recent appearance on the Italian talk show “Dritto e Rovescio.” During the program, Khan delivered a series of anti-Semitic remarks and refused to condemn the terrorist group Hamas, which has been responsible for the recent bloodshed that claimed the lives of 1,400 innocent Israelis and Jews.

The Imam’s appearance on the show ignited a heated and impassioned debate, shedding light on the alarming spread of Islamic hatred and intolerance within Muslim communities. In the face of rising tensions surrounding the Israeli-Hamas conflict, Imam Khan’s controversial comments have amplified concerns about the threats of Islam taking root in a diverse and multicultural society.

Incendiary Remarks and Defense of Hamas

Throughout the program, Imam Khan, when asked about the reluctance of imams to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization, responded with a shocking perspective: “We have seen that there are two sides: some people say that Israelis are terrorists, others say that Hamas is a terrorist organization.”

He then invoked religious texts to bolster his claims, stating, “Since this conflict is religious, we need to see what the sacred books say about Israelites. For example, the Bible speaks about Israelites: the first thing it says is that they are terrorists.” Khan went further, asserting that the Jewish faith encouraged deception: “The second thing is that they are deceivers because, within the Jewish faith, it’s written they need to deceive out of interest.”

Host’s Disbelief and Anti-Semitism Accusation

The host, Paolo De Debbio, responded with disbelief, declaring, “This is anti-Semitism.” De Debbio’s reaction highlighted the severe nature of Khan’s remarks, which were viewed as promoting hatred and prejudice. He urged the Imam to reconsider his statements, stating, “How can we listen to ‘the sacred text says they are deceivers, they are terrorists’? I want to know where this is going.”

Khan’s defense was unwavering, as he continued by citing specific biblical passages, including one from the Old Testament and a reference to the New Testament, to argue that these texts portrayed Israelites negatively, resulting in Muslims wanting to attack them. His interpretation of these ancient religious texts as inciting hatred towards Jews sparked intense debate and condemnation.

Wide-Reaching Consequences and Responses

Imam Khan’s words have sparked outrage and debate far beyond the confines of the television studio, provoking discussions of Islamic preachers abusing free speech, the role of imams in fueling division and hatred in society, and the urgent need to monitor imams’.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin has declared that Israel will soon begin the process of gassing all remaining Palestinians living in Gaza, with the aim of complete and total “annihilation” of Palestinian civilians living near Israel.

    Both sides do the same venomous rhetoric. Now you see why it is foolish to take sides, when both sides make genocidal remarks.
    I take no sides. War propaganda and lies. It take two to tango. There are more examples readily available. All this nonsense is intentional to draw us into WWIII, and it incites violence, hatred, and division.

  • Netanyahu declaring invasion: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible”

    1 Samuel 15:3

    “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass”

    If both sides twist scripture to justify genocide, then both sides need to be held to account. That is a devil’s trait — twisting scripture. Do terrorists use hostages, women, and children as human shields? Yes, and that is also despicable!

    However, nothing justifies genocide. Gassing tunnels would kill innocent civilians who are probably using those tunnels to have access to food, water, medicines, avoid tank/ mortar shells and bombing raids. Gaza looks like it was nuked alreadh. Not all Moslems are jihadi. Not all Jews are zionists. Keep praying unceasingly.

  • Another report indicates that Israeli will attack to North, and let or drive civilians to exit from the South. The plan indicates the Gaza civilians will end up in Egypt. The Israeli want U.S. to pressure Egypt to take in these people, also to Canada, Portugal, and Spain. To me this looks like a land grab and mini genocide. Probably won’t happen. More than likely they will level Gaza to build back better. Get out now, or kiss your ass goodbye. That’s my prediction.

  • RABBIS ANTICIPATE THE DESTRUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY AND THE WEST…….if Rabbis can say suche a things , why Imam Khan cannot say what he wants to say?????? Rabbis say that non Jews are like bugs and animals who do not deserve to walk on Earth. Isn’t this anti Christians and anti Muslims?????? Why only Jews can say what they want????? Today I heard Austrian profesor talking about growing antisemitism in Europe, but no one reflects on possible reason why is this happening.


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