Ramadan Conquest: Nestlé's KitKat 'Iftar Bars' and Western Cultural Erosion

Nestle Iftar bars represent not a celebration of multiculturalism but rather a troubling trend of cultural appeasement and submission to Islam.

The launch of Nestlé’s KitKat Iftar Bars in Canada for Ramadan is another example of Western corporations promoting the Islamization of nations for profit. This move, marketed as a gesture of “inclusivity” to a religion that does not extend inclusivity beyond Islam, is viewed as a calculated attempt to profit financially while undermining the cultural identity of the host nation.

While regular KitKats typically feature two or four chocolate-covered wafer fingers, this Islamized version boasts 30 fingers — one for each day of the holy month.

Nestle Canada claims that this Ramadan snack was crafted to honor the Iftar tradition observed by Muslims, where they break their fast at sunset with an evening meal after abstaining from food and drink throughout the morning and afternoon during Ramadan. With KitKat’s iconic advertising slogan, “Have a break,” the company aims to celebrate the breaking of the fast at sundown.

However, these Nestle Iftar bars represent not a celebration of multiculturalism but rather a troubling trend of cultural appeasement and submission to Islam. This trend is not unique to Canada; it’s seen throughout Europe, with initiatives like Ramadan lights in Oslo, Norway, and Frankfurt, Germany, symbolizing a broader pattern of accommodation that threatens Western cultural identity.

The Oslo Ramadan lights, proposed as a demonstration of inclusivity, are an unambiguous example of the erosion of traditional values in Western societies. The lights around Oslo’s City Hall and named streets once dedicated to Norwegian explorers now symbolize a shift toward Islamization. This trend is further exemplified by London’s Ramadan lights and the proliferation of pro-Hamas demonstrations in major cities, which showcase a dangerous submission to Islam.

In the pursuit of profit and under the thin veneer of inclusivity, Western corporations and governments continue to compromise the foundational principles that define their societies. Their failure to stop this trend is one of the causes of the continued erosion of Western cultural identity and the flourishing of Islam. This ideology is antithetical to Western values, as Marion Maréchal, the conservative candidate representing France’s Reconquest Party in the European Union elections, recently expressed.

As these Western nations bend over backward to accommodate Islam, they risk sacrificing their own cultural heritage and values. The proliferation of Ramadan-related initiatives, coupled with demographic shifts, underscores the urgent need to address the erosion of Western identity and values in the face of cultural appeasement.

Furthermore, demographic projections highlight the significant growth of the Muslim population in Western countries like Canada. According to a new report titled “The Future of The Global Muslim Population,” it is estimated that by 2030, Canada will be home to approximately 2.7 million Muslims, constituting around 6.6% of the population. Presently, Muslims account for about 2.8% of the country’s population; however, this figure may be higher due to factors such as illegal immigration and underreporting of religious affiliation.

The introduction of KitKat Iftar Bars in Canada is not merely a marketing gimmick but a symptom of a broader societal trend that threatens the fabric of Western civilization. It’s time for Western nations to reassert their cultural identity and resist the encroachment of ideologies like Islam that seek to undermine it.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • As these Western nations bend over backward to accommodate Islam, they risk sacrificing their own cultural heritage and values.

    Maybe they do a new commercial, and get the Transheiser Bush model to insert a ramadamn kit kat bar up is buttocks, and do a belly dance for the heathens?

  • I see that Smellinski is doing his iftar with the islamos. Wait till they find out he dresses up as a leather queen, dances around like a buttclown, snorts coke, and plays piano with his pecker. Maybe they will give him some rooftop flying lessons, tied naked to a chair. 😝

  • People will boycott the hell out of hokey-pokey-wokey companies. It has happened many times already. People get pissed off and vote with their wallets. So are the CEO of these companies sex blackmailed, extorted, or leveraged to make these bad business decisions? I would say, most likely. It is poor marketing to cater to a weak share of the market. We were always taught to find the broadest target, and market to that segment. It is asinine business sense to market to a weak share of the market, and thereby alienate the biggest share.
    Take Anheiser Bush, Target, and others. I see a future hole in Nestlé’s wallet. Shareholders will dump and run. Keep an eye on the stock price.

  • Hokey-pokey-wokey celebrating National suicide. Pathetic!
    American milk chocolate tastes crappy too. Taste some good European dark chocolate, and then taste some of the garbage commercial. Sorry to say, it sucks and always has sucked. Probably makes your boy kids impotent and grow teats. 😬

  • “New York City begins giving illegal immigrants prepaid debit cards as part of $53 million pilot program”



  • Fall of EU,
    They give more money to illegal putopians than our Vets. That is disrespectful to our Vets. They should give Vets more, and give them a bounty for each illegal putopian they capture. Rather help those guys(Vets) out anyways. F*ck ingrates and stupid Putopians!


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