Australian Judge Slams Police for Using 'Unlawful Violence' Against Covid Protesters

Charges may be levelled against police for their brutality in aid of Covid mandates.

In what is a most welcome yet surprising turn of events, an Australian Judge has reacted in much the same way as the public did world-wide when viewing videos and photos of the immense brutality of Australian Police when enforcing the various Covid mandates.

Australia was notorious as perhaps the most ruthless in its enforcement of lock-downs, vaxx mandates and counter-demonstrations outside of China in the world.

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad


  • Australia went full-commie during the scamdemic. So did New Zealand and Canada. America did in certain areas. Democratic satanists want a police state as long as it’s run by democratic satanists. However, many police departments changed for the worse since the 1980’s. So, it has gradually happened, and gets exponentially worse every year for taxpayers in blue sh*tholes. I don’t even bother calling 9-1-1 anymore. Waste of time. DEI ought to be interesting as far as police departments go. lolollolllollllolllll

  • Off Topic:
    Read a report that Trump is in favor of the death penalty for pedosatanists. Hahahaha, I can hardly wait for him to beat the cheat. I would add marxists and rapists too. Can’t stand any of those assholers!

  • Seen a few reports of vaxx shills. People that got paid to pump the vax. Anyways, a few had died. Doctors are baffled as usual.

    Then you see world-class athletes dropping like flies. Newsreporters spazzing out on camera. Still, doctors are baffled.

    Sponge-brain prion disease numbers are up —post vax as well.
    So, we have myocarditis, pericarditis, Bell’s palsy, blood clots that look like alien lifeforms, shedding, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, and that is off the top of my head.

    Smart people are pure bloods. Their blood will be valuable. Our blood supply is contaminated by now. So, a market for pure blood (sans mRNA) wil be a sought after commodity.

  • “Trump lambasted Biden ​​as a “moron” and the “worst president that we’ve ever had” in comments to the raucous crowd.

    “He’s surrendering our college campuses to anarchists, jihadist freaks and anti-American extremists who are trying to tear down our American flag. They want to tear down every single place they go,” Trump said before calling on Biden and the Democratic National Committee “to return the donations of all antisemites, American haters and financiers of chaos on our campuses.””



    • Some will regard our post as moronic.

      The mass jabber was Biden. The crook tried to force all of us to get the poison jab, and he threatened us, until courts stopped him. Trump opposed all mandates.

      To say Trump is no better, based on those events, while speculating on some future he has little control over, is silly.

    • Fall of EU,
      He needs to denounce the vax and pharma-sorcery satanists. He needs to explain that he was acting on bad advice, otherwise many people will stay home on election voting. Many people are sold on the “father of the vaccine” anti-Trump bandwagon. I haven’t heard in denounce the scamdemic yet. He needs to do that asap.

  • Of course remember Auusies voluntarily turned their guns over to the government leaving them no choice but to accept tyranny. New Zealand, Australia and Canada became tyrannical dictatorships even seizing assets of peaceful protestors. The left is here too.

  • When I read news about Australian cops being harmed, on or off the job, I smile knowing the world is a little better place. Signed, A Law Abiding Citizen.


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