Lies, Crime, and Betrayal: Chicago’s Black Communities Abandoned as Left-Wing City Council Imports Unvetted Migrants (Video)

In a fiery Chicago City Council meeting, a local resident raised serious concerns about the left-wing controlled city’s handling of illegal migrants being bused from Texas, accusing officials of lying about the lack of vetting and alleging that this has led to increased crime and a strained local community.

The resident, whose voice echoed the frustrations of many in Chicago’s black communities, delivered a blunt statement, claiming that city officials are neglecting longtime residents in favor of migrants whom he says arrive without any oversight.

“I asked them if there was any type of vetting process for them to come over here from Texas to Chicago. They told me no,” the resident said. He added that when he confronted city official Andre Vasquez (alderman of the city’s 40th ward) about the issue, he was lied to and told that migrants were being vetted, only to be told by others that no such process exists.

According to the resident, the migrants, whose names were not even taken, were put on buses and sent to the city. “That’s why there’s gangs over here. Now, this is why gangs are roaming the streets,” he said, pointing to a rise in crime, including break-ins, thefts, and acts of vandalism that have taken place in the community since the migrants’ arrival.

The resident also described how the lack of police oversight and regulation has allowed these individuals to commit crimes with impunity. “They told me no. This is why they’re able to do whatever they want to do, break into stores, vandalize, break into cars, run people over with cars that they steal from people, children,” he continued.

In his impassioned plea, the resident criticized the government for neglecting the city’s black communities while spending millions of dollars to support migrants, many of whom he described as adults with criminal backgrounds. He alleged that these individuals are coming from countries “that traffic in drugs and children.” He accused the government of facilitating this by placing them in vulnerable neighborhoods without any protective measures.

The resident expressed his frustration with the government’s failure to invest in South and West Side communities over the years while seemingly finding unlimited resources for migrants. “Illegal immigrants come over, and millions of dollars out of apparently nowhere gets to go to them, criminal or non-criminal. It doesn’t matter, they still get to go to them,” he said.

He highlighted that while the media and officials paint a sympathetic picture of the migrants, the reality on the ground is that these individuals, many of whom are young adults, are preying on the elderly and children in Chicago’s most at-risk neighborhoods. “We’ve seen that time and time again, all that’s been documented,” he asserted.

The resident concluded his speech by warning the council members that he and others are keeping track of every official supporting or voting for these policies. “We have the list of everybody who has approved of it, everybody who has voted for it, everybody who lies to our face. We’re tracking everything, and your seat is up,” he declared.

As the issue continues to unfold, the left-wing Chicago City Council faces mounting pressure to provide clarity on its migrant policies and the true impact they have on local communities.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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