Sweden’s Deputy PM Calls Out Islam: ‘Adapt or Leave’ – Time to End the Open-Border Disaster (Video)

Sweden’s Deputy Prime Minister, Ebba Busch, has issued a bold statement that directly confronts the challenges posed by radical Islamic practices in Sweden. In a Facebook post, she declared, “Islam must adapt. Islam in Iran cannot operate in the same way in Sweden or Europe. Islam must adapt to this foundational platform, the basic common values that make Europe what it is, that allow us to live in tolerance, peace, and freedom with each other. Some values are not optional.”

Busch’s frustration stems from the escalating issues tied to mass migration and the failure of integration policies, which have led to violent crime, jihadist activities, and increased sexual violence across the country. She further pointed to the celebrations seen in Swedish streets following Hamas’s pogrom on October 7, calling it unacceptable: “After the terrorist attack on October 7, there were Swedes who openly celebrated Hamas’s pogrom on Swedish streets.” Busch has rightfully called for a stop to these radical influences, highlighting that Sweden had the highest number of individuals joining jihadist activities during the peak of ISIS.

In a Twitter comment, Busch continued to stress that “too many people practice Islam in Sweden and Europe as it is practiced in totalitarian states. This must end. Islam must adapt to our fundamental common values that make Sweden Sweden and Europe Europe.” Her stance is clear: the country cannot allow Islamic practices that violate human rights, including Sharia law, honor killings, and violent extremism, to continue unchecked. Busch added, “We have serious problems with totalitarian Islam. It affects many ordinary, honest, believing Muslims in Sweden. To hit hard against an Islam that does not adapt to Swedish values is at the same time standing up for Swedish Muslims’ rights.”

These comments are not without context. Sweden has been grappling with the consequences of an open-border policy that allowed for massive influxes of economic migrants from Islamic countries. The result has been a rise in crime, with Sweden now regarded by many as the “rape capital of Europe.” The rise of no-go zones, where law enforcement faces challenges in maintaining order due to jihadist influence, further exemplifies the crisis​. These zones are not just a symbol of Sweden’s immigration failure but a warning about the future of Western societies if radical ideologies are not confronted.

Busch’s comments have drawn backlash from left-wing critics, who claim her stance is divisive, but it is essential to recognize that she is addressing a problem that has been ignored for too long. Sweden’s policies have enabled the rise of violence and extremism, and Busch is one of the few politicians courageous enough to call out the source of the problem.

It is not Busch’s comments that should spark outrage—it is the horrific reality of violent crime, sexual assaults, and jihadist activities that have become normalized in Swedish society due to failed migration policies. Sweden must act now, and Busch’s firm stance against Islamic fundemantalism is the first step towards reclaiming safety, peace, and the values that make Sweden a democratic nation.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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