Taxpayer-Funded Sharia: The Muslim Campaign to Enforce Hijab on Toddlers in the Netherlands Through Children's Books (Video)

Muslims in the Netherlands are becoming more emboldened, using taxpayer-funded libraries to push their Sharia agenda, targeting young girls with books like Hidaya’s Hijab that enforce the hijab as a religious obligation, while left-wing leaders turn a blind eye under the guise of promoting diversity and inclusion.

On the shelves of Dutch taxpayer-funded libraries, you can now find the children’s book Hidaya’s Hijab, a Sharia-adherent picture book designed to indoctrinate young Muslim girls. The creators openly state that it was specifically written to “make the little Muslim woman aware of the obligation of the hijab.” This is not about modesty; it’s about enforcing strict religious control. The story revolves around four-year-old Hidaya, who learns from her mother that wearing the hijab earns Allah’s favor—conditioning children into accepting this restrictive practice as part of their religious identity. This book, now available in libraries and through retailers like NRC Webwinkel and, is a deliberate attempt to introduce Islamic law to Western children.

This is more than just a cultural story. In one part, Hidaya speaks to young readers: “As-salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I am Hidaya, and I am 4 years old. Together with my mom, dad, and my brother Hudayfa, I live in the Netherlands. I am crazy about my hijab, and I really enjoy wearing it. I have an idea! Would you like to wear the hijab while reading this book? Maybe your mom or dad can help you!” This casual invitation conditions young girls to see the hijab as something harmless and fun, disguising it as a personal decision rather than the religious obligation it truly is—one they are destined to follow as part of their Sharia-adherent lives

The outrage surrounding Hidaya’s Hijab is justified, as the book unapologetically portrays the hijab as a mandatory practice—reflecting the broader expectations within Islam. For years, Muslims have lied to Western audiences, claiming the hijab is merely a preference for the sake of modesty. However, the truth is that Islam demands submission. In fact, the word Islam means submission, and the hijab serves as one of its many instruments as well as a potent symbol of control. In countries like Iran, women who defy this mandate often face severe consequences, including imprisonment, torture, and even death. This book is designed to prepare young girls to adopt that same mindset, pushing them into a life of submission.

Islam mandates submission through its teachings, with the hijab being one of its most visible and enforced symbols of control. Quran 24:31 and Quran 33:59 make it crystal clear that women must cover themselves or face consequences. Islam is not a religion of personal freedom, and the hijab is not a choice—it’s a symbol of the broader submission that Islam enforces. Hidaya’s Hijab doesn’t just reinforce a dangerous narrative; it shows Islam for what it is: a dangerous religion that imposes control over women and demands their compliance through fear of divine and earthly punishment.

What’s particularly alarming is that Hidaya’s Hijab is now available in taxpayer-funded public libraries, allowing Islam’s dangerous influence to reach Western children. Left-wing leaders, blinded by political correctness, are permitting this under the guise of cultural inclusion. But this is not about promoting diversity—it is about the gradual introduction of Islamic law (Sharia) into Western societies. After Hidaya’s Hijab, author Naima Arramdani created a series of books for young Muslim women under the same label. Alongside the books, products like a children’s burkini are sold (because, apparently, you wouldn’t want your child to walk around the public pool “like a whore“). This shows the broader agenda to instill Islamic values at every level, from how girls dress to how they view their role in society.

Dutch news sites like GeenStijl have rightly mocked this book, sarcastically urging parents to “rush to the nearest library so that your daughter can also become a pious and covered Muslim!” This reaction captures the growing frustration with how Islam’s oppressive mandates are being slipped into Western society under the radar. Hidaya’s Hijab is part of a calculated effort to normalize Islam’s restrictive laws by targeting children and conditioning them to accept submission as a virtue.

The consequences of allowing this go far beyond one children’s book. As Islam’s influence grows in the West, aided by political correctness and the left, the freedoms that Western societies cherish are being systematically undermined. To protect these freedoms, it is essential to recognize the subtle ways Islamic law is being introduced and to push back against it, starting with rejecting the normalization of submission in books like Hidaya’s Hijab.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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