October 7: The Islamic Massacre That Advanced the Global Jihad to Eradicate Jews and Conquer the West (Video)

The October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel was a brutal, premeditated jihad by Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups, part of a larger Islamic war aimed at annihilating Jews, with widespread global support from Muslims and left-wing sympathizers.

On October 7, 2023, a pogrom targeting Jews and others took place in Israel, carried out by Hamas and other Islamic terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. This was not only Hamas—it was a brutal, premeditated jihad, openly supported by Muslims who endorse Hamas, with their actions explicitly committed in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam. These acts of terror are part of a broader Islamic war, as Muslims and their left-wing sympathizers across the West rally to eliminate the Jewish people.

The Deadliest Mass Murder Since the Holocaust

This was the deadliest mass murder of Jews since the Nazi genocide of the Holocaust. Approximately 1,200 people were murdered in cold blood. According to data from Bituah Leumi, on December 15, 695 Israeli civilians were killed, including 36 children. Together with 373 soldiers and policemen, the total death toll reached 1,139 people. This included unborn children, infants, mothers, fathers, the elderly, and even Holocaust survivors.

Among the dead were foreign nationals—32 from the United States, 30 from France, and many others from countries such as Thailand, Great Britain, and Germany.

The brutality didn’t stop at murder. 253 people were taken hostage by Hamas and other Islamic terrorist organizations. This included 33 kidnapped children, among them a 9-month-old baby. Hostages were used as bargaining chips in the most despicable form of extortion. While most of the victims were Israeli Jews, some were Israeli Arabs, Bedouins, and Druze, further proving that the terrorists’ bloodlust knew no bounds.

Over 4,800 People Injured

The carnage left over 4,800 people injured, many with gunshot wounds, burns, shrapnel injuries, and even genital injuries from rape. The physical injuries are horrific enough, but the psychological trauma will likely haunt the survivors for a lifetime.

A Coordinated Attack by Hamas and Other Terrorists

On the morning of October 7, Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched a coordinated, premeditated assault across 30 locations along the Gaza-Israel border. They began by firing 5,000 rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, followed by ground infiltrations. Three thousand terrorists breached the border using bulldozers, explosives, and motorized paragliders, storming into Jewish villages, kibbutzim, and military installations with the goal of annihilation. These terrorists came armed with machine guns, rocket launchers, and grenades—10% of their arsenal reportedly smuggled in from North Korea. Their goal: to kill Jews, destroy Israel, and start an international Intefata that would blame the Jews worldwide for the violence in the Middle East and try and weaken Western nation-states as a whole.

Hamas launched a brutal, premeditated assault without mercy or remorse, murdering and kidnapping hundreds of innocent civilians, including the elderly, women, and children. They infiltrated peaceful towns, setting homes ablaze and subjecting families to the horrors of abduction, annihilation, and unspeakable forms of torture and cruelty.

The massacre continued at a vibrant music festival, where hundreds of people were slaughtered. What began as an event dedicated to peace, joy, and music turned into a nightmarish death trap as terrorists hunted down and executed civilians, turning a scene of celebration into one of bloodshed and terror.

Mass Murder and Terror: Goals of Hamas

According to their own words, Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations aim to wipe Israel off the map and kill every Jew. The October 7 massacre may not have directly achieved that goal, but it certainly advanced several horrific objectives:

  • Instill terror in Jews globally through ISIS-like brutality.
  • Gain international sympathy by using their own civilians as human shields.
  • Secure hostages for future leverage and extortion.

But these attacks aren’t just local. The threat posed by Hamas and its allies extends far beyond Israel. The October 7 massacre sent a clear message: No one is safe from the reach of jihadists who not only seek to annihilate Israel but also aim to destabilize the West. Their brutality is part of a larger global jihad that threatens democratic freedoms, security, and peace across the world. Hamas’s tactics of using terror, mass murder, and human shields are tools not only of war against Israel but also of a broader assault on Western civilization.

Who Was Involved?

  • Hamas (Al Qassam Brigades)
  • Fatah (Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades)
  • Islamic Jihad
  • Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
  • Popular Resistance Committees

Behind these Islamic terror groups stands Iran, orchestrating, arming, training, and funding them, with Qatar offering political cover and financial support. Ismail Haniyeh, one of Hamas’s top leaders, was sheltered in Qatar, while Yehia Sinwar and Mohammed Deif, two local terrorist commanders, masterminded the massacres. Deif was eliminated on July 13, 2024, but the evil of this Islamic attack will linger long beyond his death.

How Did This Happen?

This massacre was a ruthless, premeditated jihad. Hamas lured Israel into a false sense of security with a ceasefire. All the while, they meticulously orchestrated this bloodthirsty assault—a strategy deeply rooted in Islamic tradition, known as ‘The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah,’ where Mohammad signed a deceptive peace treaty for ten years, only to shatter it and annihilate the people of Mecca when power shifted to his favor just two years later. This same Islamic tactic was mirrored centuries later by the Barbary Pirates, who used deception to wage war against the U.S. Marines in the First Barbary War.

Israel relied on high-tech intelligence, but the terrorists overwhelmed the system with 3,000 rockets, drones, and simultaneous infiltrations at multiple points. Paragliders, bulldozers, and explosives were deployed with precision, catching Israel off guard and resulting in unspeakable bloodshed.

The Horrors Committed

The Islamic terrorists didn’t stop at murder. Beheadings, stabbings, burnings, and stonings were among the many methods used to murder Jews. Mass rapes of both women and men were committed as a form of humiliation and terror. Torture was rampant. And for those lucky enough to survive, the scars of these inhuman acts will remain forever etched in their minds.

Personal stories and horrific images from survivors can be found on the website, and an interactive map pinpoints where the victims were found—many lying together as families were butchered without mercy.

The Global Response

The response from Muslims worldwide has been predictable and infuriating. Instead of condemning the massacre, Muslims and their left-wing sympathizers have taken to the streets, demanding a ceasefire and aid for Gaza. Where are the calls for the release of the Israeli hostages? Where is the outrage over the funding of terror by Iran and Qatar? Instead, the Muslim world celebrates mass murder while foolish Western sympathizers rally in their defense.

The Arab world started this war and celebrated the mass murders, and yet it is Israel that is condemned. They have the audacity to demand international condemnation of Israel while thousands of Palestinians die—most of whom willingly shield Islamic terrorists.

If Lebanon and Gaza invested in their people instead of terrorism, their fates could be different. But their hatred for Jews blinds them to any hope for a peaceful future.

Since Israel’s founding in 1948, approximately 100,000 Muslims have died in wars against Israel. But one million Muslims have died in wars with non-Muslims, and a staggering ten million Muslims have died in wars with other Muslims. The issue here is not just Israel. It’s the never-ending cycle of Islamic violence inherent in the jihadist mindset and their religion that prioritizes hate and death over life.

This Islamic-led attack on October 7, 2023, was not just another terrorist act—it was a brutal reminder that the war against Israel is only one front in a global jihad. As history shows, what begins with the Jews never ends with the Jews. The West must recognize the depth of this threat, and the time for complacency is over. The free world cannot afford to look away while Islamic violence threatens the very fabric of our societies. This is a war for the survival of civilization itself.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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