Harris Endorsed by Muslim Leaders: The Best Candidate to Further Islamize America

This past week, a group of U.S. imams publicly endorsed Kamala Harris, but beneath the surface, this move reveals a strategic effort to use her policies to advance Islamic influence in American politics, challenge U.S. security, and erode foundational American values.

On Monday, a group of imams from across the U.S. published an open letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris. But this endorsement isn’t simply about political preference—it’s a calculated move within a broader strategy to further an Islamic expansionist agenda in American politics. These imams recognize that Harris’s policies, particularly her alignment with the radical left, offer the best opportunity to advance their long-standing goals: increasing Islamic influence, undermining Western values, and gradually gaining control over governmental power.

Islamic Expansionism: A Strategic Play

The imams’ support for Kamala Harris reflects their understanding that this is a critical moment for Islam’s strategic incursion into American political systems. The letter paints Trump as a divisive figure who would reintroduce oppressive policies. In reality, this letter is a call to Muslim communities to seize the moment and consolidate power. By warning against Trump, they seek to shift Muslim voters toward Harris, who they believe will open doors to policies that advance Islamic law and migration, further embedding Sharia into the cultural and political fabric of the U.S.

Islam’s history is one of manifest destiny through conquest, where every opportunity is used to gain control over societies, either through voluntary conversion or by force. From the early Islamic conquests in the 7th century, which spread across the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, to modern-day political strategies, the goal remains the same: submission. The very word “Islam” itself means submission, and historically, Islamic leaders have sought to subdue non-Islamic regions by imposing Islamic law and governance. This strategy has not changed; it has simply adapted to modern democratic processes.

The imams who signed this letter are fully aware of this history and are using Harris’s platform to advance the next phase of Islam’s agenda. By securing positions of influence, Islamic leaders aim to gradually undermine American institutions from within, focusing on key areas such as immigration, judicial appointments, and education, all while maintaining a veneer of concern for human rights and anti-discrimination. In reality, their goal is to establish a system where Islamic law and values hold sway over American policies.

The Weaponization of Victimhood

In their letter, the imams frame their opposition to Trump as a moral stance, invoking the language of human rights and likening his policies to a revival of Jim Crow laws. They claim that Trump’s return to office would inflict great harm on Muslim communities, drawing exaggerated parallels to the racial segregation era to stoke fear. For example, the letter states, “Trump is funded by pro-settlement donors who support Israeli annexation of the West Bank” and warns that he has “promised to deport pro-Palestinian students and activists he refers to as ‘jihadists.’” Isn’t this subtly admitting a pro-Hamas stance by defending activists who support Hamas? These incendiary claims are designed to galvanize Muslim voters and cast Trump as an existential threat.

This manipulation of victimhood is a calculated tactic to galvanize Muslim voters by stoking fear and positioning the imams as defenders of the oppressed. The goal is not just to protect their communities but to position Harris as a key to advancing Islamic law under the guise of social justice. In reality, they are exploiting the left’s narrative to further their own agenda, positioning Harris as a pivotal ally in this strategy.

This is a clear manifestation of the Red-Green alliance, where the radical left and Islamic supremacists find common cause. By weaponizing shared grievances, this alliance seeks to weaken America’s borders, reduce national security protocols, and push policies that align with globalist and Islamic objectives. Politicians like Harris are instrumental in dismantling traditional governance structures, not through mutual respect, but a temporary partnership aimed at eroding the foundations of American sovereignty and replacing them with policies favorable to Islamic expansionism.

Securing Power Through Key Government Appointments

A central piece of this strategy is the imams’ desire to position Muslims in key government roles. By rallying support for Harris, they aim to ensure that more individuals aligned with their vision of Islamic governance are appointed to influential positions in law enforcement, education, and the judiciary. This isn’t about fair representation—it’s about strategically placing people who will champion policies that prioritize Islamic law and interests.

This is not a new strategy. Imams and Muslim organizations have previously endorsed candidates like Joe Biden and Barack Obama, recognizing their favorable stance toward Islamic immigration and foreign policy. Biden’s administration, in particular, was seen as backing policies beneficial to Muslim-majority countries, including his approach to Iran, the Taliban in Afghanistan, his special immigration allowances for Muslims, and his downplaying of Islamic terror threats. Similarly, imams supported Obama for resettling large numbers of refugees, advancing Iran’s nuclear program, and his support for foreign Islamic governments—often hostile to America—funding mosques within the U.S. These are just some examples of how imams use political endorsements to further their broader agenda of embedding Islamic governance into the fabric of the United States.

Islamic groups like the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have long pushed this agenda, openly stating their goal of installing Muslims in political offices to influence domestic and foreign “policy.” The imams’ endorsement of Harris is just the latest move in a larger game of political chess aimed at embedding Islamic governance into the fabric of the United States.

Islamic Migration as a National Security Threat

At the core of this political push is the issue of immigration. The imams’ call for open borders not only signals their desire for Islamic migration into the U.S., but it also aligns with Hijrah, the Islamic command to emigrate for the cause of Allah. This concept, rooted in Muhammad’s own migration from Mecca to Medina, has historically been used as a strategic tool to expand Islamic influence. Today, migration remains a key method for spreading Islam, particularly in non-Islamic lands, where the goal is not to assimilate but to transform societies from within.

Islamic migration into Western countries is not about blending into host nations but about altering the cultural and political landscape to bring them closer to an Islamic state. Europe has already borne the brunt of this reality. Countries like France, Germany, and the United Kingdom have experienced rising demands for Sharia, the establishment of Islamic banking systems, and the erosion of traditional Western customs. Islamic elements in these migrant communities often refuse to adopt local laws, instead advocating for the implementation of Sharia, slowly transforming the fabric of their host countries.

From demands for Halal food systems to enforcing niqab-wearing in public and rejecting Western holidays, these incremental shifts work to gradually Islamize societies. High birth rates and continued migration further accelerate this process. Muammar Qaddafi’s prophetic remark, “We Muslims don’t need to use force… our emigration and high birth rates will accomplish our objectives,” underscores the patient but deliberate strategy at play.

The imams’ endorsement of Harris fits perfectly into this broader agenda. They view her open-border policies as a way to destabilize American society, erode national security, and ultimately transform the nation into a more Islamic-friendly entity—much like what is already happening in parts of Europe.

The Threat to American Values

The imams’ letter is not simply an endorsement of a candidate—it’s a declaration of their intent to erode the values that make America strong. By aligning with the radical left, Islamic leaders hope to weaken the core principles of individual freedom, equality, and constitutional law, replacing them with policies that favor Islamic governance. The open borders policies they advocate would bring in populations that do not share America’s values and would push for laws incompatible with the U.S. Constitution.

If left unchecked, this growing alliance between Islamic leaders and the far left will threaten both U.S. security and the freedoms Americans hold dear. The ultimate goal isn’t just political influence—it’s a transformation of the United States into a society where Islamic law dominates, and the very fabric of American life is fundamentally altered.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



  • From FoxNews:
    “A woman whose skull was fractured by an illegal immigrant let out of jail as part of a program launched by then San Francisco DA Kamala Harris is blasting the vice president over a resurfaced speech where Harris discusses the matter as being the result of a “glitch” in the system.

    “That ‘glitch’ certainly had a negative impact on my life,” Amanda Kiefer, who suffered a brutal attack at the hands of an illegal immigrant in 2008 while she walked down the street with friends, said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “It would be easier to believe it was a mistake if Democrats in San Francisco didn’t have a long history of enabling illegal immigration, choosing not to prosecute illegal immigrant criminals and refusal to deport anyone.”

    “It wasn’t a “glitch” that the Biden Harris administration has let in millions of illegal immigrants, including tens of thousands of known, convicted criminals and those on the terror watch list. At a certain point, it can’t be incompetence, it’s intentional. Harris doesn’t care about Americans’ safety.” ”


    SO NICE!


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