Iranian Islamic Migrant with 27 Identities and Violent Criminal Past Attempts to Burn Down Cinema: Why Was He Never Deported?

Krefeld, Germany – Shocking scenes unfolded Thursday evening outside the “CinemaxX” cinema, as police were forced to shoot a man (38) who attempted to set fire to the foyer using a flammable liquid. The man, identified as Hassan A.N., is no stranger to law enforcement. It has now been revealed that he has been involved in multiple violent incidents across Europe and has used a total of 27 different identities to deceive authorities.

Sources confirm that Hassan, an Iranian migrant, had previously caused disturbances in Krefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia) just days before the incident. Last week, he reportedly shattered the windows of a gas station, prompting police to take him into custody, only to release him shortly after.

Threats at the Immigration Office

Just two days prior to the attempted arson, Hassan allegedly threatened an employee at the local immigration office when his request for a residence permit under a false name was denied. He reportedly clenched his fists and menacingly told the staff that they would face “bigger problems.” The immigration office is located near the cinema, raising questions about whether it was a possible target.

27 Identities and a Violent Past

During his confrontation with the immigration office staff, Hassan provided a false name. Police later discovered that he had been using 27 aliases throughout the European refugee system. Documents show that he has been in Germany illegally since 2002 and, despite several rejected asylum applications, has lived a criminal life across Europe.

Hassan’s criminal record is extensive. In 2010, he was sentenced to 4 years and six months in a German prison for charges including grievous bodily harm, property damage, attempted rape, resisting arrest, threats, and insults. He had spent much of his time in France, where he also committed several crimes.

Arson Attempts Before the Cinema Incident

Before the cinema attack, police received reports of three separate fires. Hassan first broke into a car, set it on fire, and then started a blaze in his own apartment. He also set fire to the window of a local job center after smashing it.

When he attempted to ignite the cinema foyer with flammable liquid, police responded by shooting him. He was transported to the hospital with serious injuries. Fortunately, over 100 people inside the cinema at the time of the incident were unharmed.

Investigation Ongoing

Authorities are now investigating the full timeline of events, Hassan’s motive, and any possible connection between the multiple fires. Despite the violence, there is no current evidence suggesting an extremist background to his actions.

Many are now questioning how someone with such a violent history, including multiple crimes and 27 false identities, was allowed to remain in Germany for so long. Critics are pointing fingers at the left-wing government’s leniency, wondering at what point the state will start prioritizing the safety of its own citizens over those who repeatedly abuse the system. As questions mount, the people of Krefeld are left asking: How many more times must this happen before the government takes action?

Source: Bild

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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