'Antwerpistan' Is Coming: Filip Dewinter Sounds Alarm on Islam Taking Over Belgium's Second Largest City (Video)

Filip Dewinter, a prominent member of the Flemish Parliament and representative of the Vlaams Belang Party, delivered a bold message calling for the reclamation of Antwerp for the native Belgian population. Dewinter’s statement came amid growing concerns over the rapidly increasing Muslim population in Antwerp, the second-largest city in Belgium, and the imminent threat of the city’s “Islamization.”

Filming from the Sint-Jansplein neighborhood in the north of Antwerp, Dewinter emphasized the staggering demographic changes that have occurred. “More than 50% of the population here is Muslim,” he stated, noting that across Antwerp, “almost one in three Antwerp residents is an Islamist.” He also pointed to the Muslim majority in schools as a warning sign of the city’s future. “In primary and urban education, more than 54% of the school population is Muslim. This means that Antwerp will become an Islamist city in the future,” Dewinter cautioned.

He criticized radical left-wing political parties like the PvdA (Workers’ Party of Belgium), which he accused of actively pushing the “jihad and halal agenda of Islam.” He warned that these parties are working to transform Antwerp into an “Islamist city,” aligning with an agenda that threatens the cultural and social fabric of Belgium.

Dewinter stressed that this trajectory must be stopped, calling on the Flemish government to take decisive action. “We are convinced that Antwerp should be a Flemish city. Because whoever imports the third world becomes the third world,” he remarked, highlighting the dangers in continued mass immigration from Muslim-majority countries.

In addressing the political landscape, Dewinter dismissed the choice offered by Antwerp’s mayor, Bart de Wever, between the PvdA and the N-VA (New Flemish Alliance), as a “false choice.” Instead, Dewinter argued, “The real choice is between Rome and Mecca. And we choose the side of Rome.” This statement reflects Dewinter’s broader concern about the cultural and religious battle lines being drawn in Europe as the Muslim population grows, particularly in urban centers like Antwerp.

Dewinter’s message was clear: “Give Antwerp back to the Antwerp people. We don’t want it to become Antwerpistan.” His message resonates with growing fears over the rapid Islamization of European cities, tying unchecked immigration, mainly Islamic, to the loss of national identity and security.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • And the Islamist party TFA has established itself in Brussels in Local Elections!
    They got 10.8% and have now 5 seats.
    The party was only founded in February of this year and got straight away 16.5% and secured three seats in the Brussels Parliament and even one seat in the Flemish Parliament.
    What could go possibly WRONG?


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