Urgent Threat: Muslims Demand a Caliphate as Germany’s Leaders Stand Idle Again

Germany’s tolerance of Islamic supremacists rallying for a caliphate under the guise of ‘freedom of assembly’ allows enemies of Western values to weaponize those very freedoms against the country itself.

Hamburg, once again, finds itself hosting a demonstration that spits on the values of German society while hiding behind the guise of ‘freedom of assembly.’ Thousands of sharia-adherent Muslims converged at Steindamm in Hamburg’s St. Georg district, just behind Hamburg Central Station, at 6 p.m., rallying under the banner “Stop the genocide against our Uighur brothers and sisters in East Turkistan.” This display of defiance, supposedly calling for solidarity, instead masked an undercurrent of radicalism that loathes the very fabric of Western freedoms.

As “Bild” reports, the gathering, organized by jihadi Joe Adade Boateng, a 25-year-old Hamburg student and leader of the dangerous Islamic movement, was set to last three hours. Boateng, also known as “Raheem Boateng,” leads the controversial organization“ Muslim Interaktiv,” which has long been under scrutiny by Germany’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The ties between “Muslim Interaktiv” and the banned Islamic radical group “Hizb ut-Tahrir” are well-documented, raising even more questions about why such a demonstration was allowed to take place at all.

The 25-year-old Porche driving jihadi radicalizes young Muslims on social media and regularly publishes dangerously Islamic sermons against Israel and the entire Western world.

In past secret meetings with his followers, he is said to have called for the establishment of an Islamic state, or Caliphate, ruled by Islamic law and with a head of state (caliph) elected by Muslims.

Heavy Police Presence, But a Mysterious End

By 6:20 p.m., the rally was in full swing, with hundreds of police officers deployed across Hamburg, prepared for the worst. Water cannons stood ready, prepared to respond to any signs of violence from the terror-filled crowd. But surprisingly, after only 40 minutes, it was over. At approximately 7 p.m., the organizers abruptly ended the rally, far short of the three hours initially planned. This sudden and unexplained conclusion left many observers puzzled. “The organizers had obviously planned three hours for setting up and dismantling,” one investigator speculated, hinting at a possible attempt to bypass stricter scrutiny.

Calls for a Caliphate: A Disturbing Pattern

This is not the first time Hamburg has seen such demonstrations. In April, another rally on Steindamm garnered nationwide attention when participants openly demanded the establishment of a caliphate as the “solution” to global problems. The religious group seeks to impose Islamic rule, the very antithesis of Western democracy. Yet, despite these open calls for Islamic governance, the authorities seem to have their hands tied. You can read more about that incident here.

Why Was the Rally Allowed?

The rally had been heavily advertised on the internet, with Muslim spreading their propaganda online in the days leading up to the event. So, why wasn’t it banned?

When questioned, a police spokesperson defended the decision: “The assembly authority carried out an intensive review, also with regard to a possible ban on the assembly. Since the right to freedom of assembly, enshrined in the Basic Law, is a cornerstone of our democracy, an assembly can only be banned under special circumstances, e.g., if life or limb is in danger. The review by the assembly authority has shown that a ban is not possible.”

This explanation may be technically sound, but it will undoubtedly leave many shaking their heads. Is this the price we must pay for freedom? To allow Muslims who want to overthrow the government and instill an Islamic government to gather in the heart of German cities and spread their hatred of Germany and the West unchecked?

Restrictions, But for Whom?

In an attempt to downplay the threat, authorities imposed “strict” conditions on the rally. Participants were forbidden from displaying any “forbidden symbols” or engaging in acts that “approve or glorify attacks on Israel,” including the burning of Israeli flags or questioning Israel’s right to exist. Martial and military-like displays, as well as calls for a caliphate in Germany, were also prohibited. Yet, even with these restrictions, Boateng managed to seize the microphone and launch into a vicious diatribe against Israel.

“We all know a region where displacement is the norm,” Boateng bellowed to the crowd. “A government that publicly announces its plans for destruction, that attacks hospitals and schools, that hides thousands of explosive devices in machines and lets them explode without regard for the consequences. The whole world is seeing what is happening in Gaza and now in Lebanon.”

His speech, laced with anti-Israel sentiment, was met with frenzied chants of the Islamic war cry, “Allahu Akbar!” from the predominantly young Muslim male crowd. The police, who had stationed interpreters and terrorism experts on the scene, stood ready to intervene if any laws were broken or assembly rules violated. Still, as of yet, no arrests were made.

The Bigger Picture: Where Is This Heading?

This isn’t just about one rally in Hamburg. It is about a larger, growing Islamic movement that continues to use Germany’s democratic values to erode them from within. As long as Germany tolerates these displays of Islamic hatred and allow jihadis to gather in their cities under the pretense of free speech, they are complicit in their spread. The time for questions is over; it’s time for government action.

Why is Germany allowing the enemies of their values to use those very values against them? How long will they stand idly by, watching their streets fill with those who demand a caliphate while hiding behind ‘freedom of assembly’?

It’s time to stop tolerating Islamic threats—especially when they hide in plain sight.

Source: Bild

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist




    • Because it is not expected(erwartet) that someone actually does his job well, or thouroughly or honestly.
      It is more important what the cost of that person is.

      The same with doctors. Those that studied earnestly will be replaced by far eastern or middle eastern doctors…as they do not ask for as much in salary. That they do not know that much, or anything at all?
      Who cares. It is only money what it is all about.

      Also most of the Western European countries are in Stage 3 already. Germany is still in Stage 2. Austria i cannot really tell.
      But they already submitted, even if there are some resisting forces.
      But they will not be able to achieve much. Because every moment they do not act, makes the muslims gain numbers.
      that is the sad truth.


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