Fight for America’s Survival: Trump Targets Migrant Gangs and Harris’s Border Betrayal with Aggressive Mass Deportation Plan (Video)

During a campaign event in Colorado, US presidential candidate Donald Trump unveiled bold plans to expel illegal immigrants involved in criminal gangs, with a specific focus on the Venezuelan gang “Tren de Aragua,” which he claims is terrorizing multiple US cities. Normally, Aurora, a suburb of Denver, is quiet, but recent months have seen the city, like many others throughout America, plagued by intense gang violence linked to “Tren de Aragua.” This once peaceful town of 390,000 residents now faces a violent crime wave as the transnational criminal organization from Venezuela has infiltrated and seized control of several apartment complexes, overwhelming the community.

Below are “members of the Tren de Aragua gang have overtaken an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado, charging rent in exchange for protection.” 

The following picture is from New York City. Tren de Aragua members, some as young as 11, have been terrorizing Times Square.

Trump, during his visit to Aurora this weekend, promised decisive action to address the situation, starting with a tough stance on asylum seekers. If re-elected, Trump vows to invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, which grants the president power to arrest or deport citizens from hostile countries in times of war. According to Trump, this rarely used law will be key to dismantling the criminal networks created by illegal immigrants, particularly those responsible for gang violence.

The former president emphasized that restoring safety in places like Colorado is paramount. “Colorado will be safe again, and we will do it quickly,” Trump stated. He slammed the Biden administration, particularly Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing her of failing miserably as the so-called “border czar.” Trump charged Harris with opening the floodgates to criminal elements from across the globe. “Kamala has brought an army of foreign criminals into this country and placed them in your communities, where they harm innocent Americans,” Trump declared. The former president’s remarks hit on a key theme for his campaign: the existential threat illegal immigration poses to American sovereignty and safety.

Video of the entire event:

A Deliberate Strategy to Destabilize

Trump’s comments go beyond just pointing fingers at the current administration’s failures; they highlight what many conservatives see as a deliberate effort to destabilize America. Much like Russia and Islamic regimes are using mass migration to destabilize Europe, Trump warned that the same playbook is being used against the U.S. “The open borders are not an accident. They’re part of a plan to weaken this country,” Trump said, likening the Biden administration’s policies to those of authoritarian regimes that exploit migration for political gain.

Kamala Harris, in her role as border czar, has not only failed to address the crisis but, as Trump argues, is complicit in its escalation. Her policies have allowed dangerous gangs like Tren de Aragua to establish themselves in U.S. cities, threatening the lives of Americans. Trump’s criticism of Harris is in line with his broader indictment of left-wing leaders who he believes are complicit in the deterioration of national security by supporting open-border policies.

Tough Measures and Deportations

To combat the rising violence and the illegal immigrant criminal networks, Trump proposed concrete measures if he is re-elected. He announced the formation of elite federal units comprising agents from ICE, Border Patrol, and other federal agencies tasked exclusively with identifying and deporting criminal gang members among illegal immigrants. “We’re going to go after them until there’s not one left in this country,” Trump assured his supporters.

Trump also floated the idea of imposing harsh penalties on deported immigrants who attempt to re-enter the United States. Specifically, he proposed a 10-year prison sentence without the possibility of parole for any individual who returns illegally after deportation. His tough stance seeks to instill fear in potential offenders and reaffirm his administration’s commitment to strict immigration enforcement.

Stronger Penalties for Violent Crimes

In his speech, Trump made it clear that his policies would be particularly severe for migrants who commit serious crimes in the United States. He called for the death penalty for any immigrant who kills an American citizen or law enforcement officer. This hardline stance on violent crimes committed by migrants was met with enthusiastic support from his audience. Trump’s unwavering focus on safety resonated deeply with those who fear the impact of criminal immigrants.

Trump’s vision for America’s future also aligns with the broader global movement of conservative leaders like Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, the AfD party in Germany, and the Vox party in Spain—leaders who have committed to defending their borders and standing firm against illegal immigration. These leaders, like Trump, recognize that unchecked migration threatens national sovereignty, security, and stability. While the left, including communist figures like Kamala Harris, pushes for open borders, it is the pro-border conservative leaders who offer hope.

The Urgency of Strong Leadership

As Trump campaigns for the presidency once more, his message of law and order has never been more relevant. The situation in Aurora is a terrifying reminder of what’s at stake. Without decisive action, America risks falling victim to the same fate as Europe, where countries like Germany, Sweden, and France are struggling to cope with massive waves of illegal migrants destabilizing their societies.

Trump’s proposed policies are a direct answer to this global crisis. The measures he laid out—mass deportations, tougher penalties, and elite enforcement units—are all designed to prevent the U.S. from becoming yet another victim of failed left-wing immigration policies. For Trump, the stakes couldn’t be higher. “We either protect our borders, or we lose our country,” Trump concluded, stressing the upcoming election as a battle for the very soul of America.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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