French MEP Sarah Knafo Declares War on EU Technocrats, Slams Commission President, and Vows to Restore Sovereignty (Video)

On Tuesday, the European Parliament erupted when Sarah Knafo delivered a fiery critique of the European Union’s bureaucratic rule. In her bold address, she directly confronted European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, accusing her of leading a Union disconnected from the people it is meant to serve.

“Madame von der Leyen, It’s Your Fault”

Knafo wasted no time blaming von der Leyen. Her opening remarks were direct and unapologetic:

“Madame von der Leyen, you are fully aware that the European people are utterly uninterested in this election of commissioners. And I want to tell you to your face: this is your fault.”

She accused the European Commission of alienating citizens through secretive deals and political maneuvering instead of governing transparently.

“The European people no longer care who is appointed commissioner, nor why,” she said, describing this apathy as a symptom of a system broken by a deep disconnect between EU leadership and its citizens.

A Bureaucracy That Smothers Nations

Knafo didn’t stop at von der Leyen. She targeted the EU itself, calling it a “suffocating, dangerous, and sclerotic” institution. She accused unelected elites of prioritizing their own agendas over the rights and needs of European nations.

“Your technocratic whims make the law and dictate morality,” she said, condemning centralized EU governance for overriding the independence of member states and erasing their unique identities.

Knafo described the EU as an overreaching bureaucracy that destroys diversity and sovereignty in the name of unity.

A Promise to Fight Relentlessly

Knafo vowed to fight back against what she sees as undemocratic practices within the EU.

“In the next five years, we will grant you no respite. We will no longer allow you to operate in catimini [in secrecy]. We will be the spotlight aimed at your actions,” she declared.

Her focus is clear: to hold von der Leyen and the European Commission accountable.

“Europeans must know the truth. They want it, they need it, and they have the right to it,” she said, making it clear that she intends to expose the EU’s opaque governance and push for transparency.

A Europe of Sovereign Nations

Knafo’s speech reflects a growing wave of dissatisfaction across Europe. Her message resonates with those who believe in a Europe made up of sovereign nations, not one dominated by centralized technocracy.

Her opposition to von der Leyen also highlights rifts within the European right. As an ally of Éric Zemmour, Knafo aligns herself with figures like Alice Weidel of Germany’s AfD. Together, they are pushing back against what they see as an elitist EU that prioritizes bureaucracy over citizens.

In a sharp critique, Knafo accused Marine Le Pen of abandoning conservative principles, positioning herself as a leader in the fight for national sovereignty.

The Battle Ahead

Knafo’s speech marks a significant moment in the backlash against Europe’s technocratic elite. Her promise of relentless opposition signals increased scrutiny for von der Leyen and the Commission in the years to come.

Parallels between the EU and the Soviet Union’s Politburo have been drawn before. Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky argued that the EU’s centralized structure mirrors the Soviet system, calling it a Trojan Horse for communism in Europe. He backed this claim with detailed comparisons of their structures and practices.

For Knafo, the goal is clear: to restore sovereignty, accountability, and power to European citizens. Whether she can rally enough support remains to be seen, but one thing is certain—the EU’s technocratic elite will no longer go unchallenged.

RAIR Foundation



  • I feel nearly a personal satisfaction, for the first time seeing Merkel’s “Girlfriend”, von der Leyen, sooooo defeated; even her helmet-like coiffure, which nothing could ever disturb previously, looked limp and on the way to defeat, a defeat that could only augur well for Europa.

    (Why my obvious Schadenfreude? That “lady” has done much evil and should, eventually, share a cell with Merkel. )


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