German Police Raid 14-Year-Old’s Home Over Hashtag While Supporting Violent Islamic Demonstrations

In a shocking government attack, German police raided the home of a 14-year-old boy in Bavaria after he used the hashtag #AllesFürDeutschland (“Everything for Germany”) in a social media post. The boy, who claims he was unaware of the historical connotations of the phrase, now faces accusations of violating Article 86a of Germany’s Criminal Code, which prohibits the use of Nazi slogans or symbols. The raid, conducted weeks after the post appeared, involved a full search of the boy’s home, including his personal belongings and his older brother’s. Police seized a phone as an “instrument of the crime” and questioned the family despite the teenager’s clear lack of criminal intent.

While this heavy-handed raid took place, German authorities continued to stand by passively as Islamic groups marched through cities across the country, openly chanting for the destruction of Jews and Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state. These weekly protests—calling for violence and the end of Western values—are met with indifference by the same police force now breaking down doors over hashtags. The message is clear: Germany will crack down on a teenager’s words while ignoring real threats to public safety and democracy. It’s a twisted double standard—Nazi ideas and calls for violence from Muslims are tolerated, while an innocent reference to history is mercilessly punished.

Criminalizing a Hashtag

The German state claims that the phrase “Alles für Deutschland” was used during the Nazi period by the Sturmabteilung (SA), a paramilitary group, making its use illegal. However, the context here is critical: this is a child who, by all accounts, used the phrase without knowledge of its historical baggage. Yet the state saw fit to mobilize resources for:

  • home raid on a minor.
  • Confiscating personal documents and phones.
  • Photographing private records.
  • Interrogating his brother despite no evidence of wrongdoing.

The search warrant laughably described these measures as “proportionate” to the offense—an alarming indicator of what the new Socialist state of Germany considers a serious crime and what it does not.

What kind of democratic state sends police into homes over a non-violent hashtag? This is not justice in any sense of the word within a constitutional republic like Germany. It is, however, disturbingly reminiscent of Merkel’s origins in East Germany.

Selective Enforcement and Blatant Hypocrisy

The absurdity of this raid in a so-called law-and-order society is further magnified when viewed alongside the lawlessness spreading across Germany. Each week, cities are paralyzed by marches where Islamic extremists openly call for violence—against Jews, against Israel, and against the very fabric of Western civilization. The chants are chilling and unambiguous: calls for the destruction of states and implementation of Sharia law. Yet, German authorities do nothing. Police stand idly by, seemingly unfazed by slogans that truly threaten democracy and incite hatred.

At some point, inaction becomes a deliberate choice—and choices have consequences. Doing nothing is not negligence; it is willful. And when the German state has already shown its ability to dismantle much larger protest movements with ease, as it did with PEGIDA, the message becomes clear: the chaos allowed to fester in the streets is not an accident. It is a choice.

Meanwhile, the state reserves its full might for a teenager’s naïve social media post. This is not about preserving democracy; it’s about controlling speech and maintaining an illusion of righteousness while fostering far graver dangers.

The AfD and Targeting Political Dissent

The phrase “Alles für Deutschland” recently gained public attention during a politically charged trial involving Björn Höcke, leader of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Thuringia. Höcke was fined for using the phrase at an event, with the state treating mere words as an offense worthy of criminal prosecution. This latest raid appears to be part of a broader effort to criminalize political dissent and smear anything associated with the AfD—a party that has been gaining massive ground for its opposition to mass migration and open-border policies.

By aggressively pursuing symbolic “offenses” like this, Germany sends a chilling message: challenging the state’s authority, even unintentionally, will not be tolerated. While the government mobilizes its full power to crack down on harmless hashtags, it encourages the very real and dangerous revolutionary forces to spread unchecked through its streets.

Germany’s Broken Priorities

Germany appears to be at a crossroads. However, the likelihood is that it crossed over into a socialist/communist state some time ago and now merely maintains the trappings of a free society. For example, instead of addressing the crime, violence, and chaos caused by unchecked migration, parallel societies, and radicalized groups, the state focuses on persecuting its own children for words they don’t understand. This isn’t just an overreach—it’s a desperate distraction from the real issues tearing German society apart, if not the deliberate actions of a Soviet-like Stasi-run state.

Further examples of the results of German policy over the past 20 years include:

  • Skyrocketing crime and lawlessness.
  • Increasing dominance of radical ideologies in German cities.
  • The erosion of public trust and, perhaps most importantly, German identity.

Germans can no longer afford to ignore the reality of their nation as it exists today.

At this point, there is little to no chance that what has happened in Germany—as well as in the UK, Canada, and other Western states—is the result of incompetence or bad decisions.

What we are witnessing is the deliberate and well-planned erosion of the very foundations of liberal Western republics.

This is not hypocrisy; it is a series of directed actions against traditional European peoples.

There is a common expression often used to dismiss catastrophic events: Hanlon’s Razor, which states:

“Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.”

A clever sleight of hand. In reality, it is never attributed to incompetence what is clearly the carefully planned and executed actions of those with malicious intent.

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad

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