‘African Type’ Driver with 17 Prior Offenses Arrested After Mowing Down French Officer in a Stolen Car (Video)

A municipal police officer from Chesnay (Yvelines) was violently struck by the driver of a stolen car, identified as 23-year-old Jean Tsoungui, described as “African type.” Tsoungui, who has a lengthy criminal record with 17 prior offenses, including refusal to comply and acts of violence, was arrested in Paris shortly after the incident.

The event occurred around 5 p.m. during a routine road check when a black Peugeot 208, reported stolen, sped toward the officer. Tsoungui refused to comply with the check, resulting in the officer being hit by the vehicle. After the collision, the suspect fled the scene but was intercepted at 5:50 p.m. in Paris by a security and intervention company (CSI) on the ring road.

The injured officer, a 50-year-old municipal officer, was transported to André Mignot Hospital in Chesnay for emergency care. Fortunately, his life is not in danger. Tsoungui has been taken into custody and is expected to be questioned to determine his motives.

refus d’obtempérer au Chesnay dans le 78

This incident highlights a troubling rise in refusals to comply, which have escalated recently. In 2023, over 25,000 cases were recorded, a sharp increase that puts both law enforcement and civilians at risk. Similar tragic events have unfolded recently, such as the August 2024 fatal hit-and-run on the A8 motorway, which claimed the life of another officer, and a separate case in Rosny-sous-Bois, where a hit-and-run driver killed a scooter rider.

These incidents highlight the growing concern among law enforcement over the dangers posed by drivers who refuse to comply with police checks. In response to this alarming trend, the government has expressed its intention to impose harsher penalties on such offenders.

Source: Fdesouche

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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