America's Children Are Being Poisoned: The Silent Toxins in Your Food (Video)

In a world where we trust the food on our shelves to be safe, an insidious threat lurks behind every bite—a threat that is silently poisoning our children and compromising their futures. Alarming revelations have surfaced that paint a much darker picture than many of us might have imagined. Speaking on Fox News, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned Americans about the terrifying presence of toxins in everyday food products. His words are a chilling reminder that the very substances meant to sustain us are, in fact, causing untold harm. As Kennedy puts it, “We are poisoning our children en masse.”

Vegetable Oils: The Silent Killer in Every Bite

Kennedy highlighted vegetable oils as one of the most dangerous ingredients lurking in our food. “Vegetable oils are among the most unhealthy ingredients,” he stated. These oils, heavily subsidized by the government, have been linked to serious diseases, including body-wide inflammation. This inflammation, Kennedy warns, is a root cause of numerous health issues, affecting not just the heart and arteries but every organ in the body. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology confirms that diets high in omega-6 fatty acids can promote chronic inflammation, which is associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer​. “It’s almost impossible to avoid,” Kennedy added, “If you eat any processed food, you’re going to be eating seed oil.”

The shocking part? The government is not just allowing this but actively promoting it. “Why would the government want to subsidize something that’s going to make people sick?” Kennedy was asked. His answer was blunt: “That is a direct result of corruption.” With 75% of the FDA’s budget coming from the very industries it’s supposed to regulate, it’s no surprise that harmful substances are being pushed into our food supply​.

Food Coloring: A Rainbow of Toxins

Kennedy didn’t stop at oils. He exposed another hidden danger—food coloring. The bright, appealing colors in our cereals and snacks might look harmless, but they are anything but. “Yellow food coloring,” Kennedy explained, “is a petroleum product. It’s associated with depression, autoimmune diseases, and ADHD.” He also noted the stark difference in regulations between the U.S. and Europe. “In Europe, the same companies are using natural coloring, but here they can get away with it.” Studies have linked artificial food colorings like Yellow No. 5 and Red No. 40 to behavioral issues in children, including hyperactivity. These colorings are derived from petroleum and have been restricted or banned in some European countries due to health concerns​.

Incredibly, there are nearly 1,000 chemicals in American food that are either outright banned or actively discouraged in Europe. Yet, these toxic substances remain in our food, quietly undermining our health. “We subsidize the worst foods,” Kennedy lamented, pointing out that 70% of the U.S. food stamp program goes toward processed foods—foods he unequivocally calls “poison.”

The Deception of “Natural Flavors”

Another insidious threat lies in the deceptively named “natural flavors.” According to Kennedy, in the U.S., these so-called natural flavors are anything but. “Natural flavors are chemical products,” he asserted. The labels that consumers trust are, in fact, misleading, and the reason, once again, is government corruption. The USDA and FDA, Kennedy argues, have been “captured by the industries they are supposed to regulate,” allowing the mass poisoning of the American public to continue unchecked. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reports that “natural flavors” can contain up to 100 different components, including synthetic chemicals. These flavors can be derived from both natural and synthetic sources, making the label-less transparent than it seems​.

Pesticides: The Hidden Danger in “Healthy” Food

Even the healthiest-looking foods are not safe. Kennedy shared a startling revelation about kale, strawberries, and grapes—foods that most of us consider nutritious. “My wife loves kale,” he said, “but most kale and strawberries, for example, are contaminated with pesticides.” The Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list highlights the most pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables, making it clear that what we perceive as healthy may be anything but. The EWG’s 2022 list named strawberries as the most pesticide-laden produce, with over 90% of samples containing residues of two or more pesticides. Long-term exposure to these pesticides has been linked to various health issues, including hormonal disruptions, neurological disorders, and cancer​(The Spectator Australia)​. “Unless it’s organic, certified organic, you are getting something that’s actually hurting you,” Kennedy warned.

The Cost of Our Food Choices: Children Pay the Price

The consequences of these toxic substances are devastating, particularly for children. Kennedy outlined a grim reality: “About 18% of American teens now have fatty liver disease. That disease, when I was a kid, only affected late-stage alcoholics who were elderly.” The statistics are nothing short of terrifying. Young adult cancer rates are up 79%, one in four American women is on antidepressant medication, and 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis. “What’s causing this suffering?” Kennedy asked. The answer, he said, lies in the ultra-processed food that makes up 70% of American children’s diets. A study published in The Lancet found that high consumption of ultra-processed foods is directly linked to increased inflammation markers in the body, which are precursors to chronic diseases​.

The food industry, once dominated by cigarette companies, has repurposed its scientists to create addictive food products. These foods, Kennedy noted, are filled with chemicals that didn’t exist 100 years ago, chemicals that our bodies are not adapted to handle. “Hundreds of these chemicals are now banned in Europe but are ubiquitous in American processed foods,” he pointed out.

The Unseen Assault: Toxic Chemicals Everywhere

The problem extends beyond food. Toxic chemicals in our food, medicine, and environment are attacking every cell in our bodies. Pesticides, food additives, pharmaceutical drugs, and toxic waste permeate our lives, leading to an epidemic of health issues. “Many of these chemicals increase estrogen,” Kennedy explained, leading to earlier puberty in children—now occurring at ages 10 to 13, compared to 16 in 1900. Breast cancer, another estrogen-driven disease, now strikes one in eight women​.

“We are mass poisoning all of our children and our adults,” Kennedy declared. The truth is stark and terrifying: our food is not just unhealthy; it’s toxic. The agencies we trust to protect us have failed, captured by the very industries they’re supposed to regulate. And while this goes on, our children suffer the consequences.

A Call to Action

The time for complacency is over. As RFK Jr. and Donald Trump join forces to tackle one of the most pressing health crises of our time, the urgency of their mission cannot be overstated. In a powerful endorsement, Trump recognized Kennedy’s tireless dedication to safeguarding the health of American families: “I want to salute Bobby’s decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children. Nobody has done more.”

Millions of Americans are increasingly concerned about the toxins permeating our food and environment—concerns that have only intensified as chronic health problems and childhood diseases continue to rise at an alarming rate. Trump reiterated his commitment to establishing a panel of top experts, working closely with Kennedy, to investigate the root causes of this decades-long surge in conditions such as autoimmune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and more. “We want every child in America to grow up and to live a long and healthy life,” Trump declared.

The question now is: How long will we allow this silent assault on our children’s health to continue? Our children are our most precious assets. We cannot afford to let this attack on their well-being go unchallenged. It’s time to demand accountability, transparency, and, most importantly, decisive action. The poisoning must stop—before it’s too late.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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