Australia: Jews Warned to Avoid Parts of Sydney While Islamic Demonstration Takes Place (Video)

Sydney, Australia – In an unsettling turn of events, the Jewish community in Sydney has received warnings to steer clear of the iconic Opera House and its surrounding areas during a pro-Palestine rally. This cautionary measure comes amid escalating tensions and warnings of being targeted as Jewish amidst the fervor and threats of Muslims.

The Australian Jewish Association President, David Adler, revealed that an email circulated within the Jewish community cautioned them to avoid Sydney’s central business district (CBD) for their safety. According to Adler, there have already been instances where a few Jewish individuals displaying Israeli flags were removed by the police.

“We’ve seen one or two Jewish people who turned up early, who police have taken away because they carried an Israeli flag,” Adler told famed Sky News host Andrew Bolt during a recent interview.

Adler stressed that the Jewish community’s safety was of paramount concern, and the email advised them to stay away from the Opera House and Town Hall areas to minimize the risk of being identified as Jewish during the rally.

These warnings follow concerning remarks made by some individuals during a pro-Palestine rally. Andrew Bolt highlighted a former Director of Public Relations of the Australian National Imams Council who celebrated the recent killings, rapes, and kidnappings of innocent civilians in Israel. The individual’s inflammatory rhetoric and the crowd’s response, chanting the Islamic battle cry, “Allahu Akbar,” has raised alarm.

Moreover, Bolt expressed his dismay that several leading Islamic groups, including the Imams Council, failed to condemn the violence in Israel and instead focused on defending Palestine. This has added to the growing tension between different communities in Australia.

In a concerning development, a pro-Palestinian rally, backed by far-left organizations, marched to the Sydney Opera House to express support for Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist group responsible for various attacks.

David Adler, the head of the Australian Jewish Association, joined Bolt during the interview to express his shock and concern about the situation. He condemned the support for Hamas and emphasized that it could be a criminal act to support a proscribed terrorist organization.

Adler further highlighted reports of disturbing violence, including Muslim gang rapes and brutal killings, associated with the recent Islamic attacks in Israel. He stressed the moral responsibility of condemning such acts and expressed disbelief that community leaders supported such evil.

Bolt pointed out the irony that New South Wales police allowed the pro-Hamas rally to proceed from Sydney Town Hall to the Opera House while Jewish individuals supporting Israel were warned to stay away. This contrast raised concerns about freedom of speech and safety for different communities in the country.

RAIR Foundation


  • Violence will spill over no matter how harshly the police crackdown. It is inevitable. Emotions are too high right now. There will be terrorism in every country which has jews and moslems. Turn on your situational awareness, and avoid dangerous areas. Fill up your tank now. Gas prices will be crazy very soon. It happened before, and history will repeat.


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