Belgian Prison Horror: Social Worker Raped by Moroccan Migrant Days Before Release, Warnings Ignored

A Moroccan migrant, Younes I. (25), raped a social worker inside a Belgian prison just days before his scheduled release, according to HLN. The assault occurred during a conversation about the convict’s future plans. While discussing his options, Younes I. locked the social worker inside his cell and raped her for several minutes before help arrived.

Younes I. had only been in Belgium for ten days when he was arrested in February for violent theft and serious assault as part of a gang that targeted a residential area in Antwerp. Stolen goods, including a watch, jewelry, and a screwdriver, were found during his arrest. He was sentenced to ten months in prison and fined 800 euros, but no deportation order was enforced. He was close to being released when the attack took place.

A warning label marked “aggressive” was posted on Younes I.’s cell door, indicating he was a dangerous inmate, but prison staff failed to act on this alert.

Following the incident, Younes I. was rearrested and transferred to a maximum-security facility in Oudenaarde. On Thursday, he appeared before an investigating judge in Antwerp, where his arrest warrant was confirmed. He is expected to be charged with rape and assault.

Source: HLN 

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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