Belgium: 43% of Prisoners Are Foreigners

Georges-Louis Bouchez, the president of the Belgian political party Mouvement Réformateur (MR), was a guest on Martin Buxant’s show, RTL Matin. He demanded that all foreign prisoners held in Belgian prisons serve their sentences in their respective countries of origin.

Bouchez believes in adopting a stricter stance towards drug users. However, how can we achieve this when there is significant prison overpopulation in Belgium? The president highlights the case of “non-Belgians,” stating, “It’s 40% of the inmates.” After verification, the general management of penitentiary establishments confirms that 43% of prisoners are foreigners.

“At some point, these individuals must return to their country and serve their prison sentences there,” continues Bouchez. However, it’s not as straightforward as it seems, as among the 43% of foreign prisoners, there are dual nationals and foreigners with residence permits.

He proposes signing agreements with third countries. “We propose to condition development cooperation and visa issuance on the conclusion of these agreements,” states Georges-Louis Bouchez. “If you fail to reach an agreement with us to repatriate your offenders, we will cease issuing visas for your international dignitaries, and you will no longer receive any funds from our country.”

“We provide financial assistance to these countries to foster development and support their populations, yet they leave their offenders for us to handle. Essentially, we’re paying twice, and this must end,” he explains. “We need to find ways to exert pressure on ourselves.”

In reality, repatriations of detainees are already underway. There were 1,156 repatriations in 2020, 1,299 in 2021, 1,511 in 2022, and 1,428 last year, accounting for more than half of all repatriations. The repatriated detainees primarily consist of Albanians, Romanians, Dutch, Moroccans, Algerians, and French nationals.

Source: RTL

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Lame. Simply ban terrorist foreigners/dual citizenship, and kick these bastards back to their crapholes. Much less costly. Either that, or build more prisons, and no halal foods. Just give them bacon sandwiches. If they don’t like it, too bad. Punch them in the stomach a few times so they won’t be so hungry.

  • I betcha that 43% commit 85% of the crimes. Wait till they come up with a fake ethnic category called White-Islamos so they can fudge the numbers, and make the foreigners look less criminal —so they can peddle the diversity clownshow. They do this in America with a fake category called White-Hispanic. Sad but true. Lefties are evil like that.


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