Breaking: Druze Issue Ultimatum to Israel - Retaliate Against Hezbollah or We Will

In a dramatic turn of events, the Druze community has issued a clear ultimatum to the State of Israel: respond to Hezbollah’s recent massacre within four hours, or the Druze will take matters into their own hands.

This ultimatum comes in the wake of a devastating rocket attack that targeted the Druze town of Majdal Shams, resulting in significant casualties when the rocket hit a soccer field near a children’s playground.

Druze Threaten Nasrallah Directly: “We Are on Our Way to You”

The Druze community, known for its resilience and fierce independence, as well as its loyalty to Israel, has sent a direct threat to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. The message is clear: if the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) do not retaliate, the Druze will cross into Lebanon to exact their revenge.

Devastating Attack on Majdal Shams

On Saturday evening, the town of Majdal Shams was rocked by a direct hit from a rocket, leading to the tragic deaths of twelve individuals, including children and teenagers aged 10 to 20. Nineteen others were injured, with six in serious condition, three moderately injured, and ten lightly wounded, including several suffering from anxiety attacks.

Emergency Response and Medical Aid

Magen David Adom (MDA) teams and IDF helicopters swiftly transported the injured to hospitals. MDA’s statement made clear the urgency of the situation, noting the provision of 100 doses of blood components to hospitals and calling on the public to donate blood throughout the week. The rocket struck a soccer field near a playground, adding to the tragedy.

Hezbollah’s Role Confirmed

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari confirmed early Sunday that the rocket fired at Majdal Shams was a Falaq 1 rocket of Iranian production, carrying a warhead with over 50 kilos of explosives. Hagari stated that such a rocket is exclusively in the hands of Hezbollah and that the launch was carried out from the Chebaa area in Lebanon. He named the Hezbollah commander who guided the attack as Ali Muhammad Yihye.

Despite Hezbollah’s senior official Mohammad Afif’s denial of responsibility, Hagari accused the terror organization of lying. Analysis of the IDF’s operational systems pinpointed the rocket launch to an area north of the village of Chebaa in southern Lebanon.

Druze Determined to Defend Their People

The Druze community’s ultimatum is typical of their determination to protect their people and seek justice for the heinous and unprovoked attack. With emotions running high and tensions escalating, the next few hours are critical. The world watches as Israel faces a pivotal decision: to respond decisively to Hezbollah’s aggression or witness the Druze take unprecedented action to defend their community.

The Druze have made their stance unequivocal. The clock is ticking, and the demand for justice grows louder with each passing moment.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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