Brutal Murder of 20-Year-Old Philippos Tsanis by Syrian Migrant Sparks Outrage in Germany

The main suspect in the gruesome murder of 20-year-old Philippos Tsanis in Bad Oeynhausen, Germany, is an 18-year-old Syrian migrant known to the police for previous burglaries and drug offenses. A gang of around ten youths brutally attacked Philippos as he walked home from his sister’s graduation party. According to the victim’s father, the confrontation escalated rapidly, with the attackers singling out Tsanis despite pleas from the young men to be left alone.

They beat him to death,” the grieving father shared with reporters, “all 10 people were kicking him in the head.”

The murder occurred in the early hours of Sunday, and Philippos was so severely beaten that he was hospitalized and placed in a coma, from which he tragically never woke up. Doctors diagnosed Philippos with a brain hemorrhage, and he died three days after the attack.

The Syrian suspect has been taken into custody and is expected to be brought before a judge. According to investigators, the accused came to Germany in 2016 as part of a family reunification with his parents and siblings.

This case has sparked outrage and fear within the local community, with many viewing the attack as a hate crime motivated by Islamic religious prejudice, as Philippos and his friend were reportedly targeted for wearing crosses. The incident has reignited debates on Islamic immigration policies and the threat to public safety they pose in Germany, particularly concerning the management of individuals with criminal backgrounds.

Philippo’s best friend (19), who was also attacked, also returned to the scene. He has a black eye and scratches on his face.

Authorities are continuing their investigation and seeking additional information from the public to identify all individuals involved in the attack.

Source: Greek City Times, Greek Reporter, and Vikendi​

RAIR Foundation

1 comment

  • Outrage and fear??? What happened to anger? What happened to “not going to happen again”? Where are the German men, the police? If they are going to surrender then save lives and get it over with. The Germans should emigrate and give the country to the Muslims. Why continue the abuse without doing anything one way or the other.


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