CALL TO ACTION: Left-Wing Idaho Mayor Arrests Christians Over Coronavirus Mandates He Refuses To Follow (Video)

The rogue mayor has departed from the state by issuing arbitrary masking orders despite zero coronavirus hospitalizations or deaths in the small town.

Five Christians were cited and three arrested outside Moscow City Hall in Idaho for face mask and social distancing order violations at a “Psalm Sing” hosted by Christ Church. The mask mandate which has been in effect since July was just extended until January 6th, 2021 by Moscow city’s left-wing leaders, an emergency order they themselves do not follow. Idaho however, does not have a statewide masking mandate.

The Church-sponsored event was attended by around 300 people Wednesday afternoon. One of the individuals cited was Latah County Commissioner candidate Gabriel Rench. The Moscow Republican, Gabriel Rench is running against incumbent Moscow Democrat Tom Lamar in November’s election.

Watch Idaho police handcuff and arrest Candidate Gabriel Rench, as one church member cried out, “I did not see this happen to BLM [Black Lives Matter], isn’t that weird?”:

“Well, it happened,” one mother wrote on Twitter. “The Moscow (Idaho) Police Department arrested my kids’ music teacher [Sean Bohnet] and his wife [Rachel Bohet] the basketball coach for singing without social distancing at a Psalm Sing protest. The music is beautiful.”

Full version of Sean and Rachel Bohnet being handcuffed and arrested by Moscow, Idaho police:

Reverend Ben Zornes, a Christ Church pastor and organizer of the event, said the church hosts psalm, or hymn, events about once a month at places like Friendship Square, East City Park or a house. Zornes said Wednesday’s Psalm Sing was also a fitting way to show that residents want a return to normalcy in the face of mandates imposed due to the Chinese coronavirus.

“We wanted to make a statement we’re ready to head back to normal,” he said, claiming it is time to start pushing back against “largely groundless” laws. The Reverend was referencing the mayor and city council’s recent mandatory mask rules that were just extended and being enforced without taking into account what residents want.

Did you ever imagine you would witness the day when Christian Americans peacefully singing hymns would be arrested and charged with crimes while violent left-wing groups march through our streets, looting, harassing conservatives and harming citizens unabated?

Citizens Fight Unconstitutional Mandatory Mask Mandate

The controversial Moscow City Council and left-wing Mayor Bill Lambert extended their mandatory mask order to Jan. 5, 2021 at Monday’s council meeting. This, despite the fact that Latah County has had zero coronavirus hospitalizations, and there have been zero deaths.

The tyrannical mandate was met with hundreds of demonstrators before and during the council meeting with many holding signs protesting the order. Residents sent letters pleading their case for ending the mask mandate and gave testimony for over an hour “citing health studies, statistics, concerns of the legality of the mandate, the effect of isolation on the elderly, the effect of masking on growing children, and most importantly the fact that not a single COVID case caused a death in our county, nor even a hospitalization.”

“This is dangerous, unconstitutional, and frankly, with all due respect, insane,” said one woman addressing the council. “Please stop acting like we are subjects in Communist China and lift this ridiculous unconstitutional mask mandate before the people rise up and start exercising their God-given right, constitutional right.”

The city had already been imposing a mandatory mask order which took effect in early July which states “face coverings must be worn in indoor and outdoor public settings where 6-foot social distancing cannot be maintained with non-household members.” The order does not apply to children under five-years old, but the city is recommending that every age child wear a masks.

Those who violate the order are subject to a misdemeanor, which carries a maximum punishment of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Citizens report being harassed and threatened by police with arrest for walking in the streets with family unmasked members. Mayor Bill Lambert has also ordered police officers to issue residents with “courtesy warning” tickets.

Hypocritical Left-Wing Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert

Ironically, the hypocritical Mayor Lambert touts himself as a free speech and religious freedom supporter. In June, Mayor Lambert stated, “The constitutional guarantees of free speech, assembly, and exercise of one’s religion are precious to me, as they should be to all Americans.”

The rogue mayor has departed from the state by issuing arbitrary masking orders despite zero coronavirus hospitalizations or deaths in the small town.

Furthermore, just a few weeks ago, Mayor Bill Lambert officiated a wedding without a mask or social distancing in Moscow at a private residence. According to reporter Douglas Wilson, at least one city council member was in attendance, as was law enforcement. Masks, however, were not in attendance for the wedding. If there was no coronavirus hazard at that wedding, then why did police or the Moscow leaders feel there was a hazard at the outdoor Christian Psalm Sing?

Take Action

The police officers and elected leaders involved in this attack on the U.S. Constitution and Christian worshippers should be removed from office. Will the Justice Department chose to launch a civil rights investigation?

We encourage all Americans to support the Moscow, Idaho community and respectfully voice your concerns. Make sure to update RAIR Foundation USA on your progress at:

Contact Mayor Bill Lambert:

Contact left-wing Moscow city council members:

Attend a city council meeting and voice your concerns:

  • 7 p.m.
  • 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month
  • City Hall Council Chambers
    206 E 3rd Street
    Moscow, ID 83843

Contact Moscow Police Chief James Fry:

  • Email Chief of Police James Fry:

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • I emailed them all, but Maureen
    Laflin’s came Back, so I put m in front Of her last name instead of a
    and so far it has not came back.

    • Thank you so much for the correction. We just updated the article with your correction. Thank you for letting us know and we appreciate all the emails you sent out to the council. Your voice makes a difference.

  • I live in Colorado. I am a retired LEO, and this type of tyranny disgusts me to no end. These officers have a constitutional duty to upholde the constitution, not violate it. They took an oath of office, they violated that oath and trust and should be reomved from office. Mayor’s DO NOT have the constitutional authority to override the constitutional right of Americans! They need to sue the pants off these DEMON-crats!

  • I saw East Germany up close & personal, a long time ago in a galaxy far away.
    Congratulations Moscow, Idaho. You’re about there; well done.

    Something you can still do however that wouldn’t have worked then.
    Get names. Get addresses. Have “visits” with the Stasi personnel who are the instruments of the tyrants.
    If they will arrest singing church members, outdoors, they will do other things.
    “Just following orders” wasn’t a defense at Nuremberg either.

  • I wondered if he was a leftist. Not surprised. My question is, why aren’t these violations considered civil offenses vs criminal offenses. If I get caught j-walking or speeding in my vehicle, I get a ticket and I have to show up to explain myself to a judge. If found guilty, I pay a fine. That seems more appropriate than being handcuffed and taken to jail. I’m a political refugee from Oregon, soon to live in Nampa. Now I’m wondering if Idaho is really the conservative bastion everyone thinks it is. Idahoans, the same fate that happened to the left coast states will happen to Idaho if you allow leftists to infiltrate and take over positions of authority in government and education.

  • Your are welcome!! By the way is everyone on the city council in agreement about masks and the arrests and are they all Democrats?

  • I am just reading this on April 2022.
    I don’t understand any of this. I read the mayor’s “proclamation” to wear a mask if you can’t maintain 6 feet social distance, but I didn’t see a “mandate”. Could someone please explain.


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