This latest tragedy, where a failed Afghan asylum seeker murdered a two-year-old boy and a heroic passerby, is a devastating indictment of open-border policies that prioritize ideology over the safety of innocent...
These women endured the horrifying reality of the Arab sexual assault game 'Taharrush,' a tactic of mob harassment that Western women have increasingly faced in their own countries as a consequence of mass Islamic...
Amsterdam’s new left-wing party, De Fonk, made the reckless decision to invite Mohammed Khatib—a Muslim who openly aids Islamic terrorist groups, glorifies violence, and defends atrocities as “resistance”—exposing their...
“The golden age of America begins right now. From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world. We will be the envy of every nation.”
Pamela Mastropietro’s mother is fighting to expose the failed immigration policies that let her daughter’s Nigerian killer stay in Italy, the state’s failure to prosecute others involved, and how an illegal immigrant...
AfD leader and chancellor candidate Alice Weidel denounced the move as a "blatant attack on political freedom, a grave abuse of office, and a politically motivated purge," vowing the party would fight back "with all...
“This is an act of war against our country. These fires are not isolated natural disasters or the result of incompetence—they are part of a deliberate strategy to dismantle private property and force populations into...
RAIR Foundation USA had the honor of interviewing Major Montgomery J. Granger, a retired U.S. Army Reserve officer who provided an unfiltered, firsthand account of his time overseeing detainee operations at Guantanamo...
The AfD’s “deportation tickets” campaign urges illegal immigrants to leave by election day, igniting outrage from the left while spotlighting Germany’s migration crisis.
The shocking decision to invite Imam Husham al-Husainy to deliver a benediction at Trump’s inauguration exposes a dangerous failure in vetting and raises alarming questions about the administration's commitment to...
The courts’ disgraceful leniency—offering mere months of detention and "guidance" for such a barbaric crime—not only fails the victim but emboldens predators, proving that justice in the Netherlands bends over backward...
“I was dirtied, lynched in front of everyone—it’s something I cannot forget....The policewoman had tears in her eyes and told me, ‘I cannot do anything, I am sorry.’” – Laura, 20, a Belgian tourist
Barbara’s brutal murder wasn’t just a crime; it was the inevitable outcome of a system that prioritizes leniency for hardened migrant criminals over the safety of its own citizens.
Beatrix von Storch (AfD) delivered a fiery speech exposing the madness of gender-by-declaration laws, sparking chaos in parliament as left-wing leaders erupted over her unapologetic defense of truth and biological...
Tomio Okamura’s prosecution for opposing the EU Migration Pact exposes a chilling assault on freedom of speech, as he stands firm against illegal migration and EU overreach, calling it a fight for Czech sovereignty and...
Abdul Qadir Mumin’s rise from a religious Islamic migrant preacher in the West to the global leader of ISIS exposes how Muslim leaders exploit Western freedoms and naivety to wage a calculated war against our values...
More than ten years ago, Brother Rashid, a former Muslim turned outspoken critic of Islamic ideology, released a video that carried a bold warning to the West. In this video, he detailed how Islam silences dissenters in...
Peter Whittle warns that Labour's Islamophobia definition will weaponize censorship, reimpose blasphemy laws, and crush free speech, threatening the very survival of British democracy.
Zaheer Mahmood's brutal attack with a meat cleaver, driven by Islamic rage over caricatures of Muhammad, stands as a grim reminder of the deadly cost of defending free expression against a violent ideology that seeks to...
James Simpson exposes the left’s ruthless strategy to manufacture crises, weaponize chaos, and systematically dismantle America’s foundations, revealing their ultimate goal: to subjugate a free nation under a socialist...
“The Netherlands is being persecuted—that is not a theory, that is a fact. Without decisive action, we are witnessing the erasure of our heritage and the dissolution of our communities,” declared Gideon van Meijeren...