The tragic assassination attempt on President Trump and the subsequent death of Corey Comperatore, a retired firefighter, Christian, and father, along with the hospitalization of two others, highlight the deadly impact...
“The architect of the school curriculum changes is Dr. Benjamin Levin, who is a Liberal appointee who went to jail for having sexual relations with his own children. He is a pedophile.” — Rob Stocki, former Canadian...
"War is a monster that is constantly hungry, it must be fed, and I see that the Americans and the Democratic government of the United States, and the leaders of the European Union, are ready to feed it."
The West has shamefully ignored the clear warnings Pim Fortuyn gave his life for, standing by as Islamic supremacists and their leftist allies actively seize control of Western nations, undermining our freedoms and...
"Every day that you remain in the office of Federal Interior Minister, Ms. Faeser, is a bad day for Germany," Martin Hess declared, highlighting her prioritization of the care of illegal immigrants over the safety and...
Mumia Abu-Jamal, a convicted cop-killer and former Black Panther, ignites controversy as he addresses Hamas supporters from behind bars, urging solidarity with Hamas/Palestine and highlighting the radicalization within...
The Canadian community's proposal, led by its left-wing mayor, to require QR codes for residents exiting the area introduces a level of governmental oversight reminiscent of China's social credit system, signaling a...
Leftist and Islamic supremacist marches have grown from 'stop the war' chants to chants celebrating the October 7 massacre, showing their support and hopes for more attacks on Israelis, Jews, and their supporters.
Maggie Hope Braun leads a grassroots movement to kick the UN (KICLEI) out of local governments, empowering Canadians to restore local agendas over global influence.
Update: The riots yesterday in the streets, airports, ports, etc. were not a local initiative; rather, they were a premeditated operation orchestrated by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps in an effort to paralyze the...
"I am solely convicted because other people posted memes that the judge labeled "hatespeech" and then argued I should have done more to prevent others from sending memes." - Dries Van Langenhove
Left-wing German politicians, in their capitulation to Islam, forsake their Christian traditions, embracing those who advocate for the demise or conversion of Christians and non-believers alike."
In this culture of death, the roster of individuals deemed "killable" perpetually expands and will not halt until it is legalized as a "solution" for anyone confronting any ailment or challenge.
"Policemen and firemen are victims of violence on a daily basis, physical and verbal violence. Whoever lays their hands upon a policeman or a carabiniere is a criminal." - Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini
Nancy Faeser's call for expanded governmental authority under the guise of democracy protection is a blatant power grab, endangering democratic principles and citizens rights and freedoms.
Within the realm of journalism, a shadowy legacy persists: celebrated French journalists entangled as KGB operatives. This unveils an ongoing covert war, challenging journalistic integrity, national security, and...
The merging of left-wing and Islamic ideologies, masquerading as political activism, exposes a dangerous escalation in threats against the core values of freedom and democracy within Western societies.
Dutch politician Massimo Etalle from the Forum for Democracy party warned of the consequences of an 'insane anti-Dutch policy,' emphasizing the financial strain with 'a gigantic tax burden of 60%' to finance a 'migrant...
Viktor Orbán's unwavering defiance against the EU's left-wing policies, corruption, and financial concerns goes beyond the Ukraine aid issue, symbolizing a longstanding struggle for Hungary's sovereignty and self...
Customers were required to affirm their commitment to illegals and rejection of conservative concepts, effectively imposing a left-wing ideological test before enjoying their chosen beverages.
The current political and demographic shifts in Europe are an existential threat to its indigenous populations, not seen since the Gates of Vienna in 1683, with concerns that European identity, culture, and history are...