Chechnya’s Muslim Dictator Praises His 15-Year-Old Son for Beating Qur'an Burner and 'Protecting His Religion' (Video)

“Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam’s actions. He has always been distinguished by his desire to grow not among his peers but among older individuals, thanks to which he is forming mature ideals of honor, dignity, and the protection of his religion. I respect his choice.” – Chechnya’s Muslim dictator Ramzan Kadyrov

In a shocking turn of events that has ignited global outrage and questions about human rights in Islamized Russia, a video depicting the brutal beating of Nikita Zhuravel, a 19-year-old Ukrainian national suspected of Quran burning, has been “proudly” published on the Telegram channel of Chechnya’s Muslim dictator Ramzan Kadyrov (also known as Vladimir Putin’s dog and “The Butcher of Chechnia”). What’s even more disturbing is that the assailant in the video is none other than Kadyrov’s 15-year-old son, Adam Kadyrov.

Adam Kadyrov

The video, published on September 25, 2023, shows Adam Kadyrov assaulting Zhuravel, inflicting a series of punches and kicks to his head and torso. Accompanying the video was a chilling statement from the elder Kadyrov himself, who not only condoned his son’s actions but proudly declared, “He beat [the man] and did the right thing. Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam’s action.” Furthermore, he called Zhuravel a “burner of the Holy Quran” and “an accomplice of the Ukrainian special services.”

Ramzan Kadyrov’s full statement:

I don’t like ambiguity. It’s always better to put a final, truthful, and honest point.

On the internet, there is still debate about the fact of Adam Kadyrov’s beating of the Quran burner Nikita Zhuravel, an accomplice of Ukrainian special services. Did it happen or not?

He beat him, and he did it right. Furthermore, I believe that anyone who attacks any Sacred Scripture, including those who demonstratively burn it, thus offending tens of millions of citizens of our great country, should face severe punishment.

In our country, there is a unique law protecting Sacred Scriptures, signed by the President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The religious values of the country’s citizens are protected by the state at the highest level. And this cannot be taken away from provocateurs!

Low deeds of desecrating the sacred are characteristic only of cynical, amoral, spineless, and mercenary individuals who want to sow discord in the society that our state nurtures in the ideals of tolerance, tolerance, and love for each other. These scoundrels do not understand the language of persuasion, do not want to build the state, and develop it. They do not want people in Russia to live together in peace and understanding. Such provocateurs and traitors are like a malignant tumor on the body that needs to be cauterized.

Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam’s actions. He has always been distinguished by his desire to grow not among his peers but among older individuals, thanks to which he is forming mature ideals of honor, dignity, and the protection of his religion. I respect his choice.

The incident, which dates back to August, came to light after Nikita Zhuravel sent a letter to the Russian Commissioner for Human Rights, Tatyana Moskalkova. In the letter, Zhuravel, who was jailed in Chechnya for allegedly burning a Quran, complained that Adam Kadyrov had visited his cell and brutally assaulted him.

Moskalkova instructed the Chechen Ombudsman, Mansur Soltayev, to investigate the matter. During Soltayev’s visit to Zhuravel in prison, the victim alleged that Adam Kadyrov had beaten him severely after the elder Kadyrov had left his cell.

This revelation has drawn widespread condemnation, raising concerns about the abuse of power and disregard for human rights within Chechnya and Russia as a whole. Adding even more concerning is the response from high-ranking officials, including Adam Delimkhanov, a State Duma deputy from Chechnya, Magomed Daudov, Chairman of the Chechen Parliament, and Akhmed Dudayev, Minister of Press and Information of the Republic, who all justified the assault on Zhuravel.

The original incident involving Nikita Zhuravel occurred in Volgograd, where he was suspected of burning a Quran in front of a mosque while he filmed the event. Zhuravel was arrested on May 21 in Volgograd. The Investigative Committee stated that a video clip of the incident, which was filmed no later than May 19, was posted on an internet portal under the control of Ukraine’s Armed Forces’ Center for Informational and Psychological Operations. During questioning, Zhuravel allegedly admitted to burning the Quran based on directions from Ukrainian intelligence services in exchange for a reward of 10,000 rubles (approximately $125). He claimed to have provided a recording of the act to a Ukrainian intelligence officer.

As a result, Zhuravel has been charged with offending the feelings of religious believers, which carries a maximum prison sentence of three years. The FSB (Federal Security Service) has released a video depicting Zhuravel’s arrest and interrogation; however, independent publication Mediazona has highlighted that the video appears to be heavily edited. Initially, the suspect suggests that he was arrested for filming fighter jets. Still, in response to leading questions from an off-camera individual, he mentions being contacted by “people from Ukraine” who offered him money.

As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a chilling plan in response to Quran burnings, stating that those found guilty would be required to serve their sentences in regions of Russia with predominantly Muslim populations. This decision led to Zhuravel’s transfer to a pre-trial detention center in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya.

The arrest and subsequent treatment of Zhuravel have raised alarm bells among lawyers and activists. Transferring his case to Chechen investigators fueled concerns of potential torture and threats to his life. The decision to move cases to regions with predominantly Muslim populations also contradicts legal principles that dictate criminal cases should be investigated where the crime occurred.

The Quran burning incident and the subsequent response have not only exposed the dire human rights situation in Islami Chechnya but also led to international condemnation. Putin’s enforcement of Sharia-based punishments in predominantly Muslim regions to appease radical Muslim communities has sparked intense reactions globally.

The video of Adam Kadyrov’s brutal assault on Nikita Zhuravel serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing human rights challenges in Islamic Chechnya and the disturbing trends in Russia’s response to Quran-burning incidents. The safety and welfare of individuals accused of violating Islamic law are in jeopardy as global concerns about their mistreatment, abuse, and even deaths continue to grow.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Looks more like propaganda. The so-called beating was weak. No strikes landed with any consequence. The slap on the head at the end was also weak. The Pukrainian kid folded up. If the strike had merit, then you would have heard the unmistakable solid contact “thud” noise. The entire production looked staged too. Weak sauce, and boring. We have black girls that carjack and beat helpless citizens with better merit.

  • Here’s the propaganda value in a nutshell. Make Pukrainian/azoz nazi look weak. Then make nicey-nice with islamos for the BRICS deal. A two-fer.

  • Russia is not a viable society, and hasn’t been since even well before it fell to the Commie Lunatics in 1917. Putin maintains Russia’ feudal continuity the only way it has ever been maintained: with duplicitous pandering, bribery, and a successful method of keeping the serfs dumb and disorganized.

    • Well, the one thing Putin does well is bust the perverts. He doesn’t prosecute/persecute Christians. He has some balls on him too. Not a pussy. He seems to be well respected by his people. Can’t say that for any of our Western perverted leaders and WEF buttclowns.

      • According to Putin, globalists including Schwab and his close advisors are “legitimate military targets” because they have been actively attempting to seize power illegally via a globalist coup d’etat.

        He dislikes the right people too. 😝👍

  • I wonder if the little fat boy would like to come over for a pork bbq? I light my grill with a page from that filthy book.


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