China Converts Mosque into Dance Hall: Fighting to De-Islamize the Country

China is actively pursuing a robust de-Islamization policy, leading to the demolition of numerous mosques and the conversion of some into dance halls. A circulating video depicts this transformation on social media.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) asserts that China’s actions constitute a violation of religious freedom. HRW has analyzed hundreds of satellite images, videos, and reports to investigate the closure of Muslim places of worship, estimating that hundreds of mosques have been affected.

A video circulating on social media demonstrates the demolition of mosques in China.

This move signifies the Chinese government’s ongoing efforts to diminish the influence of Islam within its borders. With longstanding control over minority populations, the Communist Party aims to assimilate everyone into Chinese culture, leaving no space for Islam and Muslims within the communist regime.

According to an HRW researcher, the Chinese government’s claims of consolidating mosques are false; instead, they are closing many mosques, infringing upon religious freedom. This systematic closure, destruction, and repurposing of mosques highlights China’s deliberate attempt to curtail the practice of Islam within its borders, stated an HRW worker.

Human rights organizations have expressed concerns about the religious freedoms of Muslims in the provinces of Gansu and Ningxia.

Source: NieuwRechts

RAIR Foundation




  • Don’t forget the slave labor camps and organ harvesting without anesthesia. Got to send them all to redchinesey land. Make soups out of them.😝

  • Human rights watch should go over to redchinesey land and make a protest. Hahahahha, redchinesey will kung pao barbeque them. Worship the state or die.

    • An intriguing choice. Islam or Chinese communism. Neither gives you a choice. Convert or die or perhaps slavery .


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