Conquered France: Flyer in Gaza Unveils Islamized Eiffel Tower as Minaret Amidst Soaring Muslim Migration Threat

In an unsettling development, a flyer has been circulating in Gaza portraying an Islamized version of the iconic Eiffel Tower transformed into a minaret. This image highlights the ongoing concerns surrounding the demographic shifts occurring in France, which has now become the leading Islamic country in Europe.

France has now taken the forefront as the primary Islamic country in Europe, with approximately 10% of its population identifying as Muslim. Surprisingly, when considering active practitioners, Islam surpasses all other religions, solidifying its position as the dominant faith in the nation.

These demographic changes are fueling a growing sense of unease and apprehension among the French population. With projections suggesting that the Muslim population in Europe could reach a staggering 57 million people by 2050, the challenges are becoming more apparent. Recent events include attacks on civilians, harassment of local residents, and the emergence of no-go zones where integration is non-existent. Moreover, there is a pervasive fear that newcomers are at high risk of radicalization.

Surveys conducted in France paint a bleak picture of the prevailing sentiments, with a striking 78% of respondents seeing Islam as an existential threat to the nation. An even more alarming statistic is the fact that 91% of respondents admit to feeling worried or very worried about the surging migrant-related violence in the country.

As France grapples with these pressing issues, it becomes increasingly apparent that time is running out to address the challenges a changing demographic landscape poses. The anger and frustration many feel in France are indicative of the complex and uncertain road ahead, where the prospect of an Islamic future looms large, leaving citizens to grapple with the consequences and uncertainties ahead.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Cloward-Piven tactics seem to be working. Tourism has been replaced with rape tourism. Wait till they pedosatanist government runs out of other people’s money to feed their pet neanderboons.

  • Surveys conducted in France paint a bleak picture of the prevailing sentiments, with a striking 78% of respondents seeing Islam as an existential threat to the nation. An even more alarming statistic is the fact that 91% of respondents admit to feeling worried or very worried about the surging migrant-related violence in the country.

    Normally, with free and fair elections the will of the people would prevail. If that were the case you wouldn’t have a former homosexual male prostitute (married to an elderly transvestite) dictating to France that they should welcome pedosatanist rapefugees in to ruin France. He is also a Wrathschild puppet.

    Don’t feel bad, our media still pretends former male prostitute and coke peddler, Homobama’s wifey is a biological female, and the two children are theirs by natural birth. Of course, a male with tits n’ dick can’t crap out butt babies, and selling this lie and deception has fooled half of America. The kid’s are surrogate spawned.

    Sheesh, the leftists are even planning to run the shemale(Moochelle) as a female presidential candidate. Asinine! Absurd!



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