Conservative and Nationalist Gains in German State Elections

On Sunday, elections were held in the German states of Bavaria and Hesse, resulting in significant setbacks for Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats and the other two governing parties, the Green Party and the Liberals. The Christian Democrats performed better, but the true victor of the day was the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).

The Christian Democrats emerged as the largest party in both elections, allowing them to continue governing. AfD secured the second-largest position in Hesse and the third-largest in Bavaria, with slightly over 18 percent and just under 15 percent of the vote, respectively.

Traditionally, AfD has held the strongest support in the states of former East Germany, but Sunday’s election results indicate a successful expansion of their voter base.

Robert Lambrou, the parliamentary group leader of AfD in Hesse, attributes the party’s success to a desire for political change among many people. He states, “We are experiencing high inflation, soaring energy prices, and exorbitant rents. Additionally, there is uncontrolled mass immigration. There is much work to be done.”

The election outcomes were particularly unfavorable for the liberal FDP, a junior partner in Scholz’s coalition. According to projections, the party received only three percent of the vote in Bavaria and five percent in Hesse. The party risks losing representation in both state parliaments if it fails to surpass the mandatory five percent threshold.

Widespread dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of the ongoing high influx of migrants is evident, according to recent polls. This issue is estimated to cost 36 billion euros this year alone. Two-thirds of Germans express a desire to reduce migrant reception, with an equal proportion believing that Germany faces more disadvantages than advantages concerning immigration.

The survey also reveals that 82 percent of Germans favor increased border controls, and 69 percent support designating Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia as safe countries of origin, which would facilitate deportations.

Moreover, 55 percent of Germans express dissatisfaction with the functioning of democracy in the country.

Source: Samntytt

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • AfD WooHoo! That’s great. Now make sure the psychopathic lefties don’t use election fraud to subvert and install another f*cktard WEF assmonkey! If not, you will get more rapefugees and misery.

  • Wouldn’t it be fantastic if everyone just stayed in their own country? They could cultivate a homogenous and patriotic culture —without the boot of tyranny on their necks? If you find a place like that please advise.


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