Controversial 5-Star Accommodations for Military-Aged Migrants Sparks Outrage, Fuels Massive Support for Geert Wilders and the PVV (Video)

‘Asylum seekers are being accommodated in a luxury hotel with a sea view and a swimming pool. Many Dutch people don’t even have the money to turn on the heating, let alone for such a hotel. That’s why there has been a massive vote for the PVV [Geert Wilders’s Party], not because of ‘racism.’ But that framing suits the left well,” notes legal philosopher Raisa Blommestijn.”

In a quiet seaside resort in The Hague, Kijkduin, a luxury hotel, has become an unexpected haven for newly arrived illegal immigrants, sparking controversy and concerns among local residents. Jonathan Krispijn, a reporter from Ongehoord Nederland TV, managed to enter the NH Hotel, where these asylum seekers are being accommodated, shedding light on the living conditions that have left many questioning the disparity between the treatment of newcomers and locals.

In a video report posted by the news station, Krispijn explains, “I’m going inside without a camera, with my mobile phone, to see what these asylum seekers get that the Dutchman does not get.” He proceeds to tour one of the hotel rooms using his mobile phone to document the living arrangements of the asylum seekers.

The video has since gained attention and reveals glimpses of well-furnished rooms with amenities such as a television and a spacious bathroom. Krispijn is heard expressing surprise at the quality of the accommodations, stating, “Het is bijzonder wat ze krijgen hier” (It’s special, what they get here). The footage captures a conversation between Krispijn and one of the asylum seekers, who is showing off his free accommodations and amenities.

The winner of the Dutch elections, Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), has responded to the situation by planning an evening visit to Kijkduin to show support for local residents. Wilders asserts that many who disagree with the arrival of illegals in Kijkduin had voted for his party, and he intends to “give them back that vote.”

PVV senator Alexander van Hattem shares photos of the hotel on X and writes: “Asylum decadence: 4-star hotel, with swimming pool, sea view.”

That’s why there has been a massive vote for the PVV.

‘Asylum seekers are being accommodated in a luxury hotel with a sea view and a swimming pool. Many Dutch people don’t even have the money to turn on the heating, let alone for such a hotel. That’s why there has been a massive vote for the PVV, not because of ‘racism.’ But that framing suits the left well,” notes legal philosopher Raisa Blommestijn.”

The controversy has also reached the municipal level, with calls for urgent discussions on the matter. Coen Bom, a municipal council member from the political group ‘Hart voor Den Haag’ (Heart for The Hague), expressed outrage, stating, “Het is ronduit schandalig dat omwonenden voor een voldongen feit worden gesteld. Nul inspraak, nul overleg” (It is downright scandalous that residents are presented with a fait accompli. Zero input, zero consultation).

The situation has prompted calls for a swift resolution and an open dialogue between local authorities and concerned residents. As the issue gains traction, it raises questions about the allocation of resources and the potential impact on the community, highlighting the need for transparency and public engagement in matters of such significance.

In a related development, approximately 100 asylum seekers arrived on two buses in Kijkduin from Ter Apel. The municipality of The Hague, citing a “very acute situation,” announced the accommodation of 100 to 120 asylum seekers in the NH Hotel, with the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) covering the costs. However, local reports indicate that the residents received notification only over the weekend, with a letter specifying that the illegal group of migrants comprises adult men, women, and couples—contradicting footage showing only young military-age men disembarking from the buses.

This discrepancy has fueled additional discontent among residents, prompting ‘Hart voor Den Haag’ to request an emergency debate on the matter. Coen Bom expresses frustration, stating, “It is downright scandalous that residents are presented with a fait accompli. Zero input, zero consultation.” The controversy brings to the forefront the ongoing debate over asylum policies and the perceived lack of public consultation.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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