Danish Study: 1 in 5 Muslims Wants Sharia in Denmark

A new survey by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten sheds a stark light on the state of integration among Muslim immigrants in Denmark. The findings highlight deep divisions between Islamic values and those of Danish society, raising critical questions about the future of multiculturalism in the country.

The survey reveals that 54 percent of Muslims believe the Koran should always be followed without compromise, even when it conflicts with Western values. Additionally, one in five Muslims supports rewriting the Danish constitution to implement sharia.

The report also highlights conservative social attitudes within Denmark’s Muslim population. Fifty percent reject premarital sex, while only 20 percent view it as acceptable. On LGBTQ+ issues, tolerance remains exceptionally low, with 60 percent stating they could not accept a gay son or daughter.

The geopolitical beliefs of respondents add another dimension of concern. Forty-four percent believe Israel should cease to exist, and 35 percent support Hamas’s attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023. These figures underscore the prevalence of views that clash sharply with Denmark’s democratic and egalitarian values.

While 75 percent of Muslims expressed support for democratic elections, 20 percent prefer Islamic law over Danish law in cases of conflict between the two.

The survey also identified a minority of moderates within the Muslim population. Twenty-eight percent of respondents place less importance on strict religious adherence, and 18 percent remain neutral. Despite this, the results overall reflect a significant and persistent tension between religious norms and Denmark’s secular foundation.

A Broader Problem: Open Borders and Tolerance Exploited

This is the third survey of its kind conducted by Jyllands-Posten since 2006, and the trends remain consistent: the values of many Muslims in Denmark do not align with the country’s liberal, democratic ideals. These findings are not an anomaly—they are the predictable outcome of open-border policies that fail to demand cultural assimilation. Denmark’s tolerance is being weaponized against it, as a growing community resists integration while exploiting the freedoms of its host society.

The Path Forward: A Fight for Survival

Denmark faces a choice: continue down the path of appeasement and open borders or take decisive action by deporting Islamic immigrants who refuse to assimilate and embrace the values of a free and democratic society. There is no room for compromise when national identity and cohesion are at stake. The evidence is clear—Islam is fundamentally at odds with the nation’s values. Democracy, human rights, and equality cannot coexist with a belief system that prioritizes sharia, excuses violence, and rejects personal freedoms.

The solution lies in unapologetically defending Denmark’s identity. Immigration must be contingent on assimilation, not mere coexistence. Those who refuse to accept Danish laws, values, and culture should not have a place in Danish society. This is not intolerance—it is survival. Denmark cannot afford to compromise its future for the sake of placating an ideology that stands in opposition to everything it holds dear.

The battle for Denmark’s soul has begun, and neutrality is not an option. It’s time to stop tolerating intolerance and take a stand for the preservation of Western civilization.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



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