Dearborn: Ground Zero for America’s Islamic Threat – Act Before It’s Too Late (Video)

On September 29, 2024, a vigil in Dearborn, Michigan, honored the death of Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Iranian-backed terrorist group, Hezbollah. For over three decades, Nasrallah led this terror organization responsible for numerous attacks, including the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 Americans.

Nasrallah’s Hezbollah is notorious for its war against Israel and unwavering support for Islamic jihad. Yet, in Dearborn, participants at the vigil glorified him and his violent aspirations, celebrating a man who orchestrated mass murder and sought the destruction of Jews and Christians worldwide.

Dearborn, once a symbol of American industry, has morphed into a stronghold of dangerous Islamic jihadis. At this vigil, participants waved Lebanese and Palestinian flags, chanting threatening Muslim slogans such as “Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return!” and “Death to Israel!” They hailed Nasrallah’s calls for genocide and expressed open hatred for Jews, and America itself.

Hassan Nasrallah: A Terrorist, Not a Hero

Nasrallah wasn’t just the leader of a terror group. He was a figurehead of hatred and violence who orchestrated countless rocket attacks on Israeli cities, targeted Jews worldwide, and helped arm other Islamic terror groups. Hezbollah’s blood-stained history includes the deaths of countless civilians—Jewish, Christian, and American. His glorification in Dearborn is a slap in the face to American values, security, and human decency.

Dearborn’s Radicalization: A Growing Threat

The celebration of Nasrallah in Dearborn signals a dangerous shift: Hezbollah’s influence is spreading in the U.S. Dearborn, often called the “Arab capital of North America,” has become a hub for radicals, specifially Muslims. Events like this terror vigil are part of a disturbing trend in which Islamic terror flourishes unchecked in American cities. Hezbollah’s supporters in Dearborn didn’t just mourn a terrorist—they praised his genocidal actions and called for the annihilation of Jews and the Jewish state

The rally’s chants, such as “Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return,” reference the 7th-century Battle of Khaybar, where Muslim forces led by Muhammad attacked a Jewish settlement, resulting in the massacre and expulsion of Jews. This chant is not just a historical recollection—it is a modern-day call for the extermination of Jews, evoking a violent and bloody chapter of Islamic conquest. The open expression of this genocidal hatred is not only a direct threat to Jews but also to the U.S. and Western civilization as a whole, reflecting a dangerous ideology that seeks to impose Islamic dominance.

Islamic Ideology: Bred and Celebrated in America

Dearborn’s radicalization is not an isolated incident but a reflection of the broader Islamic agenda infiltrating America. Public schools serve Halal food, mosques host dangerous imams, and constant events like this vigil show the deep entrenchment of Islam. These pro-terror rallies, full of hate-filled slogans and dangerous Islamic rhetoric, represent a growing problem: jihadist ideology is not just being imported—it’s being cultivated here in America.

The chants of “Death to Israel” are not just words. They are declarations of intent. Those who celebrate Nasrallah and Hezbollah are not merely anti-Israel; they are anti-American, viewing the U.S. as the enemy standing in the way of Islamic supremacy.

America’s Inaction: A Recipe for Disaster

The situation in Dearborn is a clear wake-up call for America. Islamic terrorism, emboldened and unchallenged, are flourishing on U.S. soil. The glorification of jihadis like Nasrallah, the open calls for violence against Jews and the West—these are not just the outbursts of a few extremists. They reflect a deeply rooted ideology that seeks to bring down Western civilization and impose Islamic law.

Dearborn is a breeding ground for this jihad terror, and unless America takes decisive action, the consequences will be devastating. The rise of Islam in U.S. cities threatens our national security, our way of life, and the very principles of freedom and peace that define America.

America must act now to confront the growing threat of Islam—which, as seen in Dearborn, fosters and celebrates ideologies that seek to destroy everything we hold dear. The time for the government to act is now.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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