In yet another sign of how far America has drifted from its founding principles, Dearborn Public Schools have now launched a Ramadan meal program, ensuring Muslim students can observe their religious practices with full institutional support. This unprecedented move further solidifies the creeping Islamization of Dearborn, a city that has already become a stronghold for Islamic influence in America.
Superintendent Glenn Maleyko announced that the school system will distribute free Iftar meals so that fasting students can take them home and eat after sundown. The program, available in middle and high schools throughout March, is being celebrated as an “inclusive” initiative. But the reality is clear: this is another blatant accommodation of Islam in a public institution—something that is rarely done for Christians, Jews, or any other religious group.
Maleyko’s commitment to prioritizing Islamic customs doesn’t end with meal programs. All official district announcements, press releases, and website updates are published in both English and Arabic, ensuring that the growing Muslim population is fully accommodated. While no other religious or ethnic group receives this level of linguistic consideration, the district continues to make special efforts to cater to its Arabic-speaking residents—a clear reflection of how deeply Islam has embedded itself into Dearborn’s public institutions
Serving Halal: Schools Are Quietly Enforcing Islamic Law
What the mainstream reports won’t highlight is this: the meals—and in many cases, all school meals in Dearborn public schools—are Halal. And that’s not just a dietary preference—it’s an ideological foothold.
Halal food is a tool of Islamization. The requirements for Halal meat go beyond basic food standards. To be certified as Halal, the animal must be slaughtered in a ritualistic manner: its throat is cut while fully conscious, facing Mecca, as a prayer to Allah is recited. This brutal method violates Western animal welfare norms, yet it is being mandated in public schools funded by American taxpayers.
But Halal is not just about food—it’s about enforcing Sharia in the public sphere. The global Halal industry is deeply intertwined with Islamic certification organizations, many of which are directly connected to groups financing Islamic terror movements, including Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
By embracing Halal in schools, Dearborn is effectively normalizing a religious system that is designed to keep Muslim communities segregated and dominant.
Below, the school district proudly displays their Halal certification certificate:

First Amendment Violation: Taxpayer-Funded Religious Endorsement
But beyond the religious dominance Halal enforcement represents, there’s an even bigger problem: it’s unconstitutional. Serving free meals to students in public schools is already a debatable practice, as it should be the responsibility of parents to provide their children with food or money for lunch. But this program goes far beyond that—it uses taxpayer dollars to supply meals specifically for a religious observance and even allows students to take them home to eat after sundown.
This raises serious constitutional concerns and could easily be challenged as a violation of the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
While this may not be a formal law establishing a religion, it is functionally the same—the state is funding and facilitating a religious practice over all others. If public schools cannot fund Christian prayer, Bible studies, or Kosher meal programs, then why is it acceptable to financially support an Islamic religious obligation like Ramadan fasting?
Equal Protection Violation: Favoring One Religious Group Over Others
Beyond the Establishment Clause, this program also raises serious equal protection concerns under the Fourteenth Amendment. If public institutions are using taxpayer dollars to provide Halal meals explicitly for Islamic religious observance, while refusing to provide Kosher meals for Jewish students observing Yom Kippur or Lent-approved meals for Christians, this is a clear case of government favoritism toward one religion at the expense of all others.
Public institutions are legally required to treat all faiths equally under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Yet Dearborn Public Schools have created an inherently discriminatory system where one religious group receives exclusive government benefits, while all others are ignored.
If this policy is allowed to stand, it sets a dangerous precedent: public schools could be compelled to fund any and all religious dietary accommodations, or else be sued for discrimination. But instead of applying the rule fairly across all faiths, the government is selectively enforcing it only for Islam—which is exactly why this policy should face immediate legal challenge.
A Double Standard That Exposes the Agenda
The agenda is undeniable. Public schools have spent decades erasing Christianity—banning prayer, removing nativity scenes, and even suppressing the word “Christmas.” Yet those same schools now openly promote and fund Islamic religious accommodations, even to the extent of providing Islamic meals to take home and eat hours after school is out.
And this isn’t new. Hamas-linked CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) fought for—and won—Islamic privileges in Dearborn Public Schools as far back as 2013.
- That year, Dearborn Public Schools implemented a policy fully accommodating Muslim student-led prayer in all schools—something Christian students have been repeatedly denied in public institutions.
- The policy also permits unexcused absences for students leaving early on Fridays for Jumu’ah prayers—essentially prioritizing Islamic religious practices over standard academic requirements.
So, while Christian students are forced to keep their faith hidden, Muslim students are given school-approved time, space, and now even taxpayer-funded Halal meals to strengthen their religious identity.
Where are the free, kosher meals for Jewish students observing Yom Kippur? Where are the Good Friday meal programs for Christians observing Lent? They don’t exist—because the goal is not religious equality but the elevation of Islam above all else.
This is how Islamization works. First, small accommodations are demanded under the banner of “diversity” and “inclusion.” Then, those accommodations become the norm, pushing out everything else.
It starts with Halal meals and Ramadan recognition. Then come hijab mandates, gender-segregated spaces—like those enforced in a Toronto public school board as far back as 2011—and mandatory Islamic holidays. The more Western societies concede the more Islam advances.”
This Is Not About “Diversity”—It’s About Submission
Dearborn’s Ramadan meal program is not about making students feel “included.” It is about cementing Islam as the dominant religious force in public institutions while erasing all others.
This is not a slippery slope—it is a calculated strategy, and it has already happened. The schools are already serving only Halal food, meaning that every non-Muslim student is forced to consume meals that adhere to Islamic law, whether they like it or not. This is not accommodation—this is conquest.
Worse still, this goes beyond mere dietary restrictions—for Christians, particularly Catholics, consuming Halal food is a direct violation of their faith. Under Halal law, the animal is slaughtered while invoking the name of Allah, making it a religious offering, not just a method of food preparation. Scripture explicitly forbids the consumption of food sacrificed to foreign gods:
“What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything? Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons.”
— 1 Corinthians 10:19-21
“You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals, and from sexual immorality.”
— Acts 15:29
By mandating Halal-only food in public schools, the state is not just endorsing Islam but actively forcing non-Muslims—especially Christians—to violate their own religious beliefs. This is not neutrality—it is an outright imposition of Islamic religious law on everyone, regardless of faith or personal conviction.
Why is Islam granted special status, and why must everyone else conform?
This is the model that will continue to spread across America unless it is confronted. What starts as “inclusive meal programs” quickly escalates into broader Sharia adherence, silencing of criticism, and the gradual replacement of American values with Islamic dictates.
If Americans do not protest, this will only accelerate. Today, it’s Halal-only food in schools. Tomorrow, there will be prayer rooms in every building. Soon after, Islamic observances will be mandatory under the guise of “cultural awareness.”
This is the blueprint for Islamization: small steps, relentless demands, and the complicity of weak institutions too afraid to say no. Islam should not receive special privileges.
If we don’t draw the line now, we won’t have a line left to draw.
This isn’t a warning about the future—we have already lost Dearborn. Islam is not integrating into the system; it is replacing it. The schools are fully Halal, Christian students are denied the same rights as Muslim students, and Sharia-compliant policies are already in place.
And yet, the demands won’t stop here.
Once a city falls under Islamic influence, capitulation only increases. The more accommodations are granted, the more Western identity is eroded, one institution at a time.
This isn’t about tolerance or diversity. It’s about submission. And if nothing changes, Dearborn is just the beginning.
Parents of these kids are dumbed down. Christian and Jewish parents need to pull their kids out and home school or find a private school that suits them.
How long before Americans wake up to the fact that Islam is not a religion, it’s an evil ideology . This evil has infiltrated our schools, police departments, even our government and they don’t deny what their end goal is. They are terrorist organizations and every mosque that’s built is a hideout for jihadist. People seem to forget 911, which murdered some 3000 Americans, done by this same ideology. If this evil is not removed from America, it won’t be America very long.
Government supporting the most satanic cult on earth. This is exactly what the globalists are using to destroy freedom in Europe and Obama and Biden were used to bring it to America. Western freedom must be destroyed so the new world communist organization can reign over the masses. Our governments are our worst enemies. They have been installed by the WEF and UN without the will of the people. Islam is an extremely evil mind set of murder and submission but Americans just like Europeans simply can’t wrap their minds around that and refuse to protect themselves.