Devastating Surge in Stillbirths and Birth Defects Linked to mRNA Vaccines: Dr. James Thorp Sounds the Alarm (Video)

Dr. Thorp emphasized the unprecedented nature of these findings: “I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before.”

Dr. James Thorp, one of the most experienced OBGYN doctors in the United States with 43 years of clinical experience, has raised significant concerns about the alarming rise in stillbirths and other pregnancy-related complications in the wake of the mRNA injection mandates. According to Dr. Thorp, recent statistics reveal a drastic increase in stillbirths, from an average of 4-5 per thousand to as high as 29 per thousand, with some data suggesting an even more shocking 160 stillbirths per thousand. This represents a 40+ sigma increase and, in some cases, up to a 308 sigma deviation.

Dr. Thorp emphasized the unprecedented nature of these findings: “I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before.” He detailed his extensive experience, noting that he has performed nearly 9,000 high-risk obstetric ultrasounds in a single year, giving him a unique and comprehensive perspective on these troubling trends.

The statistics he presented are staggering. The stillbirth rate, which had been reduced to about 5.8-6 per thousand live births over his career, has now surged to 29.3 per thousand in 2021. This alarming increase does not include the number of malformations and other issues that have significantly risen during the mRNA injection mandates, such as birth defects.

Moreover, Dr. Thorp shared a harrowing account of 13 dead fetuses within a 124-hour period, highlighting a 1200-fold increase in menstrual abnormalities. The impact on pregnancies is equally dire, with substantial increases in miscarriages, birth defects, fetal cardiac arrhythmias, fetal cardiac malformations, significant fetal growth slowing, reduction in amniotic fluid, and fetal cardiac arrests. He bluntly stated, “Babies are having heart attacks in the womb. Yes, the vaccine is causing a significant inflammatory effect.”

Despite these alarming observations, safety monitoring systems have reported no significant safety signals for mothers or fetuses. Dr. Thorp strongly contests these findings, arguing that any inflammatory effect in obstetrics leads to severe consequences, including damage, injury, death, and destruction during pregnancy. “Anything that causes inflammation in my business, in my area of expertise, causes damage, injury, death, and destruction in pregnancy. We’ve known that for half a century,” he explained.

Dr. Thorp’s extensive experience and the disturbing data he presents call for a thorough re-evaluation of the safety protocols surrounding mRNA injections for pregnant women. For more insights from Dr. Thorp, refer to his exclusive interview with RAIR from April 2023.

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad

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