Disturbing Interview of Grown Islamic Man and Child 'Fiancé'

The legitimacy of “marrying” pre-pubescent girls who have not yet had their “monthly courses” is established both in the Quran and in the “perfect example” set by the “Prophet” Muhammad for his Islamic followers.

Muhammad set the example by marrying and having sex with Aisha when she was only 9-years-old:

‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house at the age of nine.” (Sahih Muslim 3309) This is confirmed in many other hadith as well.

According to the most reliable traditions, Aisha brought her dolls to Muhammad’s house for play (Muslim 3341), and he would fondle the little girl in the tub while taking baths with her (Bukhari 6:298).  Aisha was just a teenager by the time Muhammad died, but she had already spent over half her life in marriage to him.  Even worse for Muslims is that part of the Quran was actually “revealed” while Muhammad was in bed with this little girl:

[Muhammad said] “…the Divine Inspirations do not come to me on any of the beds except that of Aisha.” (Bukhari 47:755)

Source: The Religion of Peace

RAIR Foundation


  • Fake religion used to justify murder, rape, and pedosatanist behavior. You are supposed to keep your hands off the children—PedoHamHead!

  • These disgusting heathen also deploy a pedo tactic on infants and toddlers. It is called, “thighing.” Very sick and it is predatory criminal behavior!

  • “President Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on day two of the Group of Seven leaders summit at the Borgo Egnazia resort in Savelletri, Italy, Friday, June 14, 2024. (Francesca Volpi/Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)”


  • The WEF, American Congressional pervs, and EU are working hard at decriminalization of pedos. That’s all you need to know. Your leaders(elected, selected, and unelected)endorse pedos. They are degenerate. They figure to import this pedosatanist culture, and turn our nations completely pedosatanist. All that will do is bring in the Wrath of God.

  • In the video, he says he is a relative of hers. So, this supports my inbreeding diatribe, and how it leads to mental defects down the road. Incest Pedohamheads make PsychoHamheads! Now if we extrapolate and add more than a thousand years of inbreeding, the problem becomes obvious!
    Normal people do not breed with relatives, nor do they have sexual attraction to minors! Sicko world brought to you by the satanic kabal, which endorse pedosatanist behavior! Lefties love it too. They are mental cases, and many lefties take Rx drugs/ Street drugs. Avoid and shun them all.


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