“We need professionals in other countries to question the decisions being made in Sweden because it’s extremely immoral towards our elderly patients that have built up the country…” – Doctor Jon Tallinger
Swedish Doctor Jon Tallinger appeals for “outside help” in the following RAIR Foundation USA exclusive interview. Dr. Tallinger reveals that a local government directive (translated below) was sent to physicians instructing them not to refer elderly patients with the coronavirus to the hospital for intensive care or potential life-saving oxygen. Instead, Dr. Tallinger explains, physicians have been instructed to administer morphine which further complicates the absorption of oxygen and will make the patient “go to sleep forever.”
Watch the RAIR Foundation USA Exclusive Interview:
Doctor Tallinger, who has been practicing medicine for over ten years and is currently serving as a “general practitioner specialist,” confirmed that if elderly patients visit outpatient clinics, physicians are not to forward them to hospitals for intensive care but instead have been instructed to “include patients in palliative care and to give them morphine.” Palliative care is not a treatment of an illness, but rather a measure to provide relief to a patient.
The government advice of “morphine,” particularly for a patient who is experiencing shortness of breath would surely result in the death of the patient or cause a patient to “fall asleep,” as euphemistically explained by Dr. Tallinger:
“She would die faster, of course,” Tallinger explained. “She would ‘fall asleep’ faster. Much faster, with the infection, too. If she’s hard of breathing and she has anxiety from not getting oxygen in her blood and you give morphine, that dampens the signal from the brain to breathe. She will ‘fall asleep’ quite fast. It won’t be unpleasant, but it would be immoral.”
Tallinger has become known in Sweden as “Dr. Whistleblower” for warning the public about this horrific government policy. He would like to see the government “administer oxygen on a large industrial scale…[which is] a very good treatment for Covid-19.” Dr. Tallinger explained that not only is oxygen a simple treatment, it is also inexpensive.
Dr. Tallinger Appeals to the World
“We need outside help,” Dr. Tallinger replied to a question about how RAIR Foundation USA can help. He continued:
“We need professionals in other countries to question the decisions being made in Sweden because it’s extremely immoral towards our elderly patients that have built up the country and I would welcome…if there was officials…outside of Sweden that raised the issue that ‘what you’re doing is not okay’ at the state level. That’s what I would like this [interview with RAIR Foundation USA] to lead to, actually…”
Under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 35 it is a human right to receive medical treatment:
Everyone has the right of access to preventive health care and the right to benefit from medical treatment under the conditions established by national laws and practices. A high level of human health protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all Union policies and activities.
The Culture of Death
As previously reported at RAIR, the initial hysteria surrounding the coronavirus prompted several national and local governments to write guidances on so-called resource allocation. While the guidances were rushed, the Culture of Death has long permeated the field of biomedical ethics, which encompass the “experts” who vehemently defend things like euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide and even “post birth abortion.”
“Those who are too old to have a high likelihood of recovery, or who have too low a number of ‘life-years’ left even if they should survive, would be left to die,” explained an article at The Atlantic discussing Italian Socialist Healthcare Guidelines for an escalation of the coronavirus.
Consider how it is framed at this article in the Independent from last month:
Official guidance to doctors in Italy, seen by The Independent, have said only patients ‘deemed worthy of intensive care’ should get it and decisions based on a ‘distributive justice’ approach balancing the demand for care versus available resources.
The criteria framing these “decisions” focus on things like “limited resources” and “life years” as justification why the elderly should be left to die, because that is always the bottom line.
The treatment of oxygen is not readily available in Sweden, even in a nursing home. This is a simple, inexpensive treatment that would save lives. One has to question what possible motive the government would have for pushing morphine on elderly patients experiencing a shortness of breath, an almost certain death sentence.
Help Save the Elderly!
If you believe the elderly in Sweden deserve oxygen, send a courteous but concerned note to:
- Lena Hallengren, Minister for Health and Social Affairs at socialdepartementet.registrator@gov.se AND socialdepartementet.registrator@regeringskansliet.se
- Elin Aarflot, Press Secretary to the Minister for Health and Social Affairs at elin.aarflot@gov.se
- Jasmina Sofic, Press Secretary to the Minister for Health and Social Affairs at jasmina.sofic@gov.se
Please copy RAIR Foundation USA at info@rairfoundation.com and keep us posted of your progress!
Translation of the “Gävleborg-document” on oxygentherapy in infection with covid-19
Region Gävleborg
Oxygen Therapy in COVID-19 Palliative Care
Socialstyrelsen [The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare] have published “Symptom relief at the end of life – Drug treatment in COVID-19 palliative care.”
A recurrent question is the indications for oxygen therapy and the need for clarification regarding this treatment at the palliative stage.
Oxygen is a drug that should be prescribed and dosed like all other drugs. Oxygen treatment requires special technology and training of both the patient and the staff. The treatment is usually provided in a hospital setting. There are exceptions, for example in the case of certain lung diseases, where individually tested treatment can be provided outside a hospital.
Treatment is initiated after careful diagnosis, testing and training of the patient. Initiating oxygen therapy outside hospitals without the above handling of the matter is not currently considered.
Oxygen therapy is not relevant for palliative or curative care of COVID-19 patients in nursing homes or special accommodation [a term in Swedish encompassing a range of accommodation forms adapted to, for example, the elderly with a high need of care]. In palliative care, the association between hypoxia and experienced dyspnea is low, which is why one should follow the symptoms rather than the oxygen saturation. Most often, opioids provide better symptom relief than delivery of oxygen. Oxygen therapy and intensive care with a respirator improves survival rates and the chance to recover completely of severe COVD-19. This is relevant for patients who are judged to have a sufficiently low biological age and a low degree of underlying morbidity to be able to tolerate the often long intensive care and then return to a meaningful life. Many patients with a high biological age and a high degree of morbidity are not relevant for intensive care, but rather have the greatest benefit from pure palliative treatment (Läkartidningen 2020 p 530).
All patients, whether in home care or at nursing homes should be assessed individually when contracting severe COVID-19. At a high biological age, especially in combination with other diseases, the patient is unlikely to benefit from oxygen therapy or intensive care. If there is no clear patient benefit from curative treatment, the care transitions (when relevant) to the palliative stage. We recommend that decisions about transition to palliative care be taken by two doctors in joint consultation with the patient and relatives.
For some elderly with single risk factors and mild symptoms, hospital care with curative treatment including oxygen therapy may be relevant. These patients should be treated in consultation with the COVID-unit, irrespectively of whether the patient lives in a nursing home or in their own home.
Hitler did the same back in the 1930.Who who have thought that in 1920 Sweden would treat their senior citizens in this cruel way. Shame on you.
According to Swedish folklore there’s been a history in Sweden of senicide when the elderly are unable to contribute. It’s the called “ättestupan”. Today there are international laws that are supposed to protect human rights. Time will tell whether those rights apply to Sweden. Sweden has always been a large contributor to the UN but I hope that means nothing now and that the people responsible for this mass murder will have to pay for it.
Is this guidance for “if this gets really bad”, or is it guidance because it is actually happening? American hospitals have been given similar instructions, but only in an emergency situation.
Sean Garvey I agree! Its a shame!
I like that: “The Pandemic of Mass Hysteria”
JOHN ALFRED HAYES, victim of senecide
I confirm (that) in several states of Australia SENECIDE is alive and well.
I confirm the West Australian state coroner is complicit, being compliant and freely providing death certificate in a case of palliative care death by starvation and dehydration as ‘from natural causes’.
The Kalamunda hospice patient John Alfred Hayes in 2018 at age 72 years had no terminal illness however did have a severe sacral pressure injury, also he was suicidal. John had experienced severe institutional abuse in childhood and beneficially needed to live at his home, not in institutional or even hospital care.
No-one with suicidal ideation may be admitted to a West Australian hospice.
Certain staff were permitted to believe Mr. Hayes had terminal cancer.
Other staff failed to respond following Mr. Hayes’ use of a call-bell to clearly request “a cup of tea and something to eat”.
I was appointed Permanent Part-Guardian for Mr. Hayes by the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) with responsibility for where Mr. Hayes lives also for all decisions with ref. to medical care.
My repeated directives to a senior geriatrician with respect to “NO DR. DEATH ARRANGEMENT” were ignored, as was my assessment that medical ethics issues in the matter were most compelling although not applied to the medical care of John Hayes.
I regard John Alfred Hayes’ death as, at a minimum, culpable homicide.
Many persons with responsibility for public health, also legal and other issues within Australia were provided with full information and (their) assistance requested.
As this was my fourth personally experienced example of senecide in the state of Western Australia I state with confidence I believe I now experience MORAL INJURY as a consequence of this direct, repeated exposure to medical negligence and medical murder.
Despite CoVID a Royal Commission into Aged Care in Australia progresses and will in due course publish findings and recommendations.
The federal government of Australia has direct responsibility for funding and all associated matters, including regulation of the aged care industry.
The industry as such most clearly declines to be regulated.
I decline to bring EVIDENCE to this Commission. Reason? I can only agree with a family member who provides this image,
“There will be only one hand of government washing the other hand clean”.
We need to get the video on another platform than YouTube because it has been censored. YouTube can not be trusted for free and open discussion.
Thank you, We found the video and uploaded to our Rumble account.
I kept saying this was coming! Old people are expensive, and governments have spent their way broke. Kill the old people and you’ll save a lot of money! Of course they’ll have to couch this in terms of compassion!
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