France: 71-Year-Old American Olympic Tourist Raped by Chinese Airbnb Host Known for Drugs and Pimping

A 71-year-old American tourist who came to Paris for the Olympic Games has been raped by her Airbnb host. The suspect, a Chinese man already known to the courts for drug-related offenses and pimping, allegedly drugged his victim by pouring a substance into a glass of water. The incident occurred on July 25, the day before the opening of the Paris Olympic Games.

According to Le Figaro and confirmed by the police and the capital’s public prosecutor’s office, the septuagenarian, who uses a wheelchair, went to the 10th arrondissement to pick up the keys to her Airbnb on rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis. Having lived in France for several years, she had rented the apartment to attend the opening ceremony. Upon arrival around 4 p.m., the owner welcomed her.

Unknown Liquid Found

The owner offered her a glass of water, which apparently contained a drugged substance. The victim felt unwell and went to lie down. In her dazed state, she told the landlord that her leg hurt. The landlord, claiming to be a physiotherapist, offered her a massage. She woke up two hours later to find her pants torn. She then filed a rape complaint at the police station.

The investigation, led by the 2nd judicial police district, resulted in the arrest of the main suspect on July 29. The suspect, born in China in May 1984 and residing in France, was taken into custody. He is known to the courts for pimping and importing narcotics. During a search of his home, police found a bottle filled with an unknown liquid.

The suspect was brought before an investigating judge and charged with rape aggravated by two circumstances: the administration of a substance likely to impair judgment and the vulnerability of the victim, who was in a wheelchair. The Paris prosecutor’s office stated that this crime carries a 20-year prison sentence.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


    • If they did that, 3 lawyers would lose money, judge, state and defense, for long drawn out costly trials. Then the unionized cops and jail guards and the rest of the prison employees. Crime pays for those parasites that feed off of it. There are much better ways and if guilty, marched straight out to the 13 steps of the gallows for a public hanging. Want to see crime stats drop overnight?


    “Job-Wonder Germany” (some personal bankruptcy ticker): “These statistics have been recording the extent of job losses in Germany since September 21, 2019. It lists job cuts that have been announced or implemented since then as well as jobs lost or threatened by insolvencies. The list does not claim to be exhaustive. It goes without saying that we cannot fully track the actual implementation of announced measures and make corrections where necessary. The overriding intention is to give an impression of the extent of the upheavals currently being observed on the German labor market.” Current status: 2,351,080.


    You can see from this example that there is method and evil intent behind it. Now the perpetrators of this toxic ideology (we all know who they are and always have been) called “relativism” and “deconstructionism” have even managed to persuade young children that they are in the wrong gender. But this is not a reason to help them psychologically, but to accept their self-perception.

    The attack is clearly on the core called identity. Identity means being identical with oneself. Authentic and identical are related in meaning. Who could have an interest in convincing small children that they are transsexual chimeras and manticores? I can only guess that it is those who were already working on the “sexual revolution” before Hitler in the “Weimar Republic”.

    They must therefore have a manic, almost anti-cosmic interest in destroying the core of the natural way of life, which is and always will be the original form of the family. A society that listens to their lies must and will inevitably perish, because nature can never be antinature. It will therefore be eliminated and made to disappear without residue by nature itself.

  • Anglo-Americans say “familiar” when they feel something is trustworthy. Now, of course, you can abstract: nuclear family, extended family (brothers-in-law and cousins). The German extended family is therefore all Germanic peoples.

    Unfortunately, one of our supposed relatives, Albion by name, has been extremely unfamiliar, one could say dysfunctional in today’s semantics, in the fabric of European cohesion on the world stage. Now we are all supposed to bear the costs and burdens of his idiocy for him.

    Yesterday I watched this documentary, which was probably filmed two decades ago. In it, an attempt was ultimately made to largely decouple the British from the Germanic tribes. Obviously a failure, as many angry comments below indicate. We Germans support any British concern never to have sprung from our womb!

  • I’ve spent a long time in life wondering whether it’s worth fighting stupidity. Today I am of the opposite opinion. Stupidity will and must lead to mental contamination and thus to self-harm. It is therefore not worth trying to counter stupidity at all. Stupidity will destroy itself and truth will eternally give birth to itself.

    That sounds astonishing when so many rebels of truth are fighting against stupidity. Truth is not a conviction that can be “mentally conveyed”, only through painful experience, which allows one to muster the courage even in the face of the high priests of falsehood to calmly and consciously spit against their lies.


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