French Patriots Reclaim Streets, Confront Islamic Street Prayers with Defiant National Anthem (Video)

As Muslims conducted yet another show of dominance on Western streets, blocking roads with public demonstrations of Islamic rituals, French patriots gathered in response, singing the French National Anthem, La Marseillaise.

This was a fitting reply: La Marseillaise is a powerful anthem about resisting tyranny, and some argue it even alludes to defending France against Islamic jihad. The opening verse echoes this spirit:

Arise, children of the Fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us, tyranny’s
Bloody banner is raised,
Do you hear, in the countryside,
The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
They’re coming right into your arms
To slit the throats of your sons, your comrades!

Another translation:

Come, children of the homeland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny's
Bloody standard is raised,
Do you hear, in the countryside,
The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
They're coming right into our arms,
To cut the throats of our sons, our companions!

The Koran is explicit about the fate of unbelievers, and the practice of throat-slitting is so common among jihadists that news reports on such incidents often suggest this motive—especially when the media withholds the name or motive of the attacker.

France’s history reinforces this vigilance. When Charles Martel defeated the advancing Islamic forces at the Battle of Tours, it halted a near conquest of France. It cemented a longstanding awareness of the Islamic threat in French consciousness.

In this context, singing the national anthem stands as a powerful, peaceful counter to the spread of Islamic street prayers—a tactic Muslims use worldwide to assert territorial control. The French response could set an example, encouraging peaceful but firm resistance whenever Islamic street prayers disrupt public spaces.

Vlad Tepes

"Objects in history may be closer than they appear" – Eeyore for Vlad

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