George Soros Funds Chaos: $50 Million to Pro-Iran Groups Undermining America

America, a nation built on resilience and freedom, finds itself under threat—not just from external enemies but from the calculated manipulations of figures within its own borders. George Soros, the billionaire often celebrated in left-leaning circles as a philanthropist, has funneled tens of millions of dollars into organizations and initiatives that bolster one of the nation’s most dangerous adversaries: Iran. This is not philanthropy; it is treachery masquerading as charity, funneling millions to America’s sworn enemies.

Soros and Iran: A Trail of Money and Influence

According to an explosive investigation by the New York Post, Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) transferred $46.7 million to the International Crisis Group (ICG), a think tank with deep ties to the Iranian regime. This group has pushed for policies favorable to Tehran, including easing sanctions and reviving a nuclear deal that critics argue only delays Iran’s ambitions for nuclear weaponry. Under the Biden administration, these efforts have borne fruit, with sanctions being relaxed and billions in frozen Iranian funds released.

The ties between the ICG and the Iranian regime run disturbingly deep. Ali Vaez, one of Malley’s protégés and the ICG’s director of Iran projects, reportedly submitted writings to Iranian officials for pre-publication review—an alarming connection between an American-based think tank and Tehran. Vaez even had five meetings with top Biden national security officials at the White House, signaling unprecedented influence at the highest levels.

The influence of Soros-backed organizations extends disturbingly deep into the corridors of power. Robert Malley, a former U.S. special envoy to Iran now under FBI investigation for mishandling classified documents, was once the president of ICG. His protégés, such as Ariane Tabatabai, Ali Vaez, and Dina Esfandiary, have taken up influential positions in U.S. policymaking circles, with Tabatabai even securing a high-security clearance role at the Pentagon. These individuals are linked to the Iran Experts Initiative, a covert network reportedly established by Tehran’s Foreign Ministry to infiltrate and manipulate U.S. policy.

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a think tank that received $1.8 million from Soros’ OSF, has actively lobbied for policies favorable to Tehran. Founded by Trita Parsi—accused of advocating for the Iranian regime—it promotes its agenda under the guise of promoting “restraint” in U.S. foreign policy.

The Cost of Appeasement: Billions for a Terror Regime

Under these influences, the Biden administration reversed the stringent sanctions imposed by former President Donald Trump, a move that enriched Iran’s terror-sponsoring regime by $95 billion, according to estimates. Furthermore, a deal negotiated under this influence saw $6 billion in Iranian assets unfrozen in exchange for five American hostages—a concession widely criticized as emboldening a state sponsor of terrorism.

Soros’ influence extends beyond Iran-specific policies. The Ploughshares Fund, another recipient of Soros’ largesse, redistributed funds to organizations like the ICG, Quincy Institute, and National Iranian American Council (NIAC), further amplifying Iran-sympathetic voices within the U.S. policy sphere.

Soros’ Web of Anti-American Activism

George Soros’ involvement in destabilizing American interests is not limited to Iran. His OSF has also directed over $15 million to groups in the U.S. that support antisemitic, anti-Israel protests, including rallies that glorify Hamas. These funds, often funneled through intermediaries like the Ploughshares Fund and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, serve to erode the moral and strategic foundations of American foreign policy.

Gabriel Noronha of the Polaris National Security think tank succinctly described the impact of Soros’ funding: “The things they routinely fund are things that weaken America, both internally and externally.”

A Global Strategy of Chaos

The reach of Soros and his son Alexander, who now spearheads many of OSF’s initiatives, extends far beyond the United States. Together, they have cultivated a network of influence that keeps geopolitical conflicts simmering from Eastern Europe to the Middle East. Despite this, they are feted by global elites, enjoying access to high-ranking officials and institutions. Soros has even been honored with prestigious awards, such as Austria’s Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold.

Critics have noted that these actions mirror a deliberate strategy of weakening America’s global standing while empowering adversarial regimes. Masih Alinejad, a prominent Iranian dissident, compared groups like NIAC and the Quincy Institute to “the Russia Today of the Iranian Regime,” accusing them of serving as mouthpieces for Tehran’s propaganda machine.

The Urgent Need for Action

George Soros and his network represent more than a political adversary; they are an existential threat to America’s sovereignty and security. By funding organizations that downplay Iran’s human rights abuses and promote propaganda aligned with Tehran’s objectives, Soros undermines the very principles that make America strong. His actions demand not just scrutiny but decisive countermeasures.

America must wake up to the reality of the enemy within. The question is no longer whether Soros and his network are working against U.S. interests—it is how much longer they will be allowed to continue.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • How about the government protect us from this, instead of saying America needs to “wake up”? Citizens are not to blame for Soros. There is clearly a corrupt association between government and various NGOs. Since you do not understand the problem, you do not understand a solution.

    Also, what is the cause of this obsession with blaming Iran for everything???

    • Protecting us from ppl like soreass is a tricky game. He is free to donate his $ where he see,s fit. Constitutional and bill of rights protection there. How to hurt him $ wise is the trick. Make the process the punishment.

  • If the US Govt wasn’t in on the plan, they’d just take Soros out, easy. It’s not like he has an army to protect him from a nations military if they needed/wanted him dead.

  • Soros belongs in Gitmo. He’s a terrorist through and through. 47 needs to apprehend him and give him a one way to Gitmo.

  • Soros is a communist that hates freedom for the “little people.” He’s a very old evil man with little time left and eternity to be spent in hell “where the worm dies not die.” He chose to do nothing but evil with his great wealth much like Bill Gates instead of the good they could have done. Indeed, money corrupts because the love of money is the root of all evil. None of these Godless people will escape justice.

  • Well don’t hold your breath waiting for Soros to be arrested for treason and sedition. It is his Iranian cohorts that leaked the gay marriage and Obamacare SCOTUS decisions before they became public at a conference out in Anaheim, CA. I got the information straight from the horses mouth from an Iranian in Houston, TX, who was in attendance, months before SCOTUS published their decision. Yet none of the investigators did their jobs as it was only smoke and mirrors for Americans to believe our government cares. For over four decades illegals, foreigners and criminals are all that matter to the politicians in DC, state and local governments that invite the infiltration in for a few pieces of silver.

    Time for everybody to cowboy up, because help is not coming. The abyss is only 8 short years away. Plan accordingly.



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