'Germany is No Longer Safe': Police Union Chairman Warns 'The Greatest Danger Comes from Islamists' (Video)

Germany is no longer safe, as left-wing open-border policies have unleashed a wave of Islamic violence, leaving the country to face a grim new reality.

Germany is facing a new and grim reality: the country is no longer safe. This blunt warning comes not from a conservative politician but from Deputy Federal Chairman of the German Police Union (DPolG), Manuel Ostermann, who is no longer staying silent in the face of the left-wing government’s lies and whitewashing of the Islamic threat brought on by their open-border policies. Ostermann’s statements come in the wake of a horrifying Islamic knife attack in Solingen, a city that has tragically earned the nickname “knife city.”

The jihad attack took place during the so-called “Festival of Diversity,” an event meant to celebrate “multiculturalism” in Germany. Instead, it became the scene of yet another brutal crime, with a Syrian refugee exploiting Germany’s open borders to carry out a violent attack. Westerners are conditioned to be tolerant, to embrace multiculturalism, and to respect each other’s beliefs, ideals, and values. Islam, however, does not reciprocate. While the old political parties express their hollow concerns, trying to reassure the public that nothing is connected and that Germany remains safe, Ostermann is telling a very different story.

“Yes, our country has changed. And nothing about it is positive. Germany is no longer a safe country,” Ostermann declares, cutting through the government’s attempts to downplay the crisis. He points to the rise in knife-related crimes as a direct consequence of the left’s open-border policies, which have allowed dangerous jihadis to enter the country unchecked. “We have a massive problem with knife-related crime,” he emphasizes, highlighting a crisis that the government seems determined to ignore.

Ostermann does not mince words when he addresses the root of the problem. “The migration crisis is primarily a crime crisis,” he states bluntly, pointing to the influx of migrants, particularly from Muslim-majority countries, as a driving force behind the escalating violence. This is a reality that the left-wing government has consistently refused to acknowledge, choosing instead to push a narrative of diversity and inclusion while German citizens pay the price in blood.

But Ostermann’s warning goes even further. He identifies the greatest danger facing Germany today: “The greatest danger to the lives of people living in Germany is clearly from the Islamists.” This blunt statement reflects a truth that many Germans have come to fear—that Islam has taken root in the country, leading to an increase in violence that the government is either unwilling or unable to combat.

“This reality must no longer be ignored and must no longer be taboo,” Ostermann insists. “Now it’s time to acknowledge reality and to implement clear measures in the constitutional battle against this security-political madness.” For too long, the left-wing government has allowed political correctness and ideological blinders to dictate policy, leaving the country vulnerable to those who wish it harm. It is time to recognize the threat for what it is and to take the necessary steps to protect the German people.

The recent Islamic attack in Solingen is another tragic reminder of the consequences of the government’s failure to act. The Syrian refugee responsible for the attack was able to enter Germany through its dangerously open borders, outsmarting the very systems that were supposed to keep the country safe. This incident, along with countless others, underscores the urgent need for a complete overhaul of Germany’s migration policies and a more robust approach to national security.

Ostermann’s message is a wake-up call to a nation that has been lulled into complacency by left-wing politicians who prioritize ideology over safety. As Germany grapples with the harsh realities of its current situation, it must confront the uncomfortable truth that its open-border policies and refusal to address the Islamic threat are leading the country down a path of increasing violence and instability.

The time for denial is over; the time for action is now. Germany cannot afford to continue on this dangerous course, and it is imperative that the government listens to voices like Manuel Ostermann’s, who are bravely speaking the truth in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



    “No joke”: Germany enters the Oscar race with the film ”دانهی انجیر معابد”

    The Germans are becoming less and less German. For the first time, the country is sending a film into the race for the Oscar for Best International Feature Film in which neither German is spoken nor was any German person involved in the filmmaking process. Except for the financing. It is the Iranian work “دانهی انجیر معابد”, the German title is “Die Saat des heiligen Feigenbaums”, spoken in Farsi.

    Hanns-Georg Rodek, one of Germany’s most distinguished film journalists for decades, is rubbing his eyes. He writes in Die Welt: “This is not a joke, but the decision of the selection committee at German Films, the export organization for German cinema.”

    What happened?

    The film came to Germany with director Mohammad Rasulof, who had to flee Iran. He had shot the film secretly. He was threatened with a long prison sentence in his home country, it is said. The film is a masterpiece. It already received an award at the Cannes Festival in May. Rasulof is well known: in 2020, he won the main prize at the Berlinale for the film “Das Böse gibt es nicht”.

    ‘The Seeds of the Sacred Fig Tree’ is about the lawyer Iman, who has been promoted to investigating judge at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. With his promotion, he also receives a pistol. When it disappears, he suspects his wife and two daughters and interrogates them using the same methods he normally employs during arrests.

    The film was able to be submitted as a German Oscar entry because one of the seven producers is from Germany. According to the rules of the Academy in Beverly Hills, that is enough. Rodek writes in Die Welt: “Iceland could submit a film in Serbo-Croatian for the Oscars. Or China one in Esperanto. Or Argentina one in Tibetan. Of course, none of these countries would come up with such an absurd idea. Only Germany is registering a film in Farsi.”

    And: “So why did the nine-member selection committee of film industry professionals – chaired by actor Ulrich Matthes – still choose a film that is as German as fried halloumi? The answer is: because it thought “The Seeds of the Sacred Fig Tree” had the best chance of winning the Oscar.”

    The film critic ends his commentary with the words: “Every year, almost a hundred countries send their best films to the Oscars; their own best, to be precise, not incorporated through cultural appropriation. The rule-compliant cheating nomination of ‘The Seeds of the Sacred Fig Tree’ is not a sign of the strength of German cinema, but of its weakness. German Films should rethink its rules.”

  • It’s a different world than prior generations of westerners. It calls for new measures which were unthinkable up to now. That is to literally strip them of any citizenship gained and send them home, for the good of your country.

    Also, return to your Christian roots and pray the Rosary daily asking the Mother of God for protection. Read up on the miracle of Lepanto where Mary was invoked for help repelling the last islamist invasion. Islam is incompatible with western values and its adherents mostly do not assimilate.


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