Germany's Ruthless War on Conservatives: Destroying the AfD, Silencing Their Media, Stripping Gun Rights, and Banning the Letter 'C'

In an alarming series of events, the left-wing German government has escalated its efforts to dismantle its conservative opposition through a multifaceted approach that includes state-sponsored violence, legal persecution, and media suppression. The latest targets have been the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, their voters, and the conservative media outlet Compact, signaling a coordinated attempt to stifle dissent and eradicate opposition.

Media Suppression: Shutting Down Conservative Voices

In a move that has raised major concerns about the state of press freedom in Germany, the country’s largest alternative media outlet, Compact, has been banned on direct orders from the red-green coalition government. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, known for her connections to the extreme, and often violent left, made this announcement as she continues to push her agenda against what she terms “far-right” influences.

Compact, a monthly publication founded in 2010 by journalist Jürgen Elsässer, boasts a circulation of around 40,000 copies and a significant online presence. Its YouTube channel has garnered hundreds of thousands of followers, and its documentary on the Nord Stream attack has been viewed over a million times, highlighting its substantial reach and influence.

Elsässer, who previously held prominent positions at left-wing newspapers Junge Welt and Konkret, has shifted his focus to Compact, which has become known as an unofficial mouthpiece for Germany’s only conservative party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD). This alignment has made it a target for the current government, particularly after the AfD’s notable gains in the recent EU elections, which came at the expense of the red-green parties.

Government Crackdown on Free Press

The left-wing German Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser, publicly announced the ban on the social media platform X. “Today I banned the far-right Compact magazine,” she declared, adding that the ban was intended as a “hard blow to the far-right environment.” Faeser accused Compact of “agitating in an unspeakable way against Jews, against Muslims, and against our democracy.” These allegations are baseless; Compact has maintained editorial integrity while sharply criticizing those in power.

The AfD is the only classical liberal party in Germany, advocating for maximal individual rights and minimal state interference, which is the essence of a republican-style government. They are the only party that supports the State of Israel, which means supporting the Jewish people, just as supporting the state of Ireland means supporting the Irish people. A former head of Israel’s Mossad categorically endorsed the AfD, wishing other parties had such rational policies. Below is a video endorsement from around 2019.

Compact has been vocal against policies such as Angela Merkel’s open borders stance in 2015 when she flooded her country with over a million migrants from the Middle East and Africa. Despite its controversial positions, the publication has provided a platform for various perspectives, contributing to its reputation as a critical voice against the establishment.

In stark contrast, Interior Minister Faeser’s own ties to radical elements have come under scrutiny. She has connections to Anti-Fascist Action (ANTIFA) and even penned a column for one of the movement’s publications, as highlighted by Bild newspaper. The government has remained silent on these associations, further fueling accusations of hypocrisy and bias.

Police Raids and Legal Justifications

The crackdown on Compact intensified when masked police raided the residence of editor-in-chief Jürgen Elsässer in Berlin. Other staff members also faced similar actions, as reported by state media agency ARD Tagesschau. The government justified its actions under the country’s association law, which allows for the banning of entities that allegedly contravene the constitutional order or international consensus principles.

The government’s accusations against Compact center on claims that its critical articles undermine the “free democratic order.” This totalitarian move has been applauded by extreme left-wing supporters but has stirred controversy even within the government itself.

On social media, thousands have voiced their outrage, describing the police raids and the shutdown of Compact as unprecedented assaults on press freedom in Germany since World War II. This sentiment underscores the growing concern about the government’s increasing authoritarianism and its efforts to silence dissenting voices.

The Letter C Ban

Adding to the absurdity of the situation, the German government has extended its ban to include the letter ‘C’ when it resembles the Compact logo. German police are now actively pursuing individuals wearing clothing adorned with the banned symbol. This crackdown, highlighted by the local right-wing party Freie Sachsen, has been met with widespread ridicule and condemnation.

As the German police invest resources in this campaign, it raises serious questions about the current left-wing administration’s priorities and motives. The targeting of Compact and its supporters exemplifies the red-green government’s broader agenda to suppress opposition and maintain control over the national narrative. “Red-green” refers to the coalition government formed by left-wing parties (red) and environmentalist parties (green) in Germany.

Germany Strips Conservatives of Gun Rights

In another striking move, the German government recently targeted AfD members by banning them from owning firearms, revealing its authoritarian methods of suppressing political opposition and silencing conservative voices. This mirrors tactics used by communist regimes to eliminate dissent.

The recent court ruling in Düsseldorf is a prime example of this approach. The court, influenced by baseless accusations from the AfD’s political opponents, declared that party members cannot possess firearms. This decision follows the German administration’s move to revoke all gun licenses held by AfD members, forcing them to surrender their legally owned firearms. The ruling presumes “unreliability under firearms law” for AfD members, rooted in political bias rather than genuine security concerns.

This draconian measure has had a devastating impact on individuals within the party. For instance, a married couple, Thomas and Katharina Müller, both AfD members and avid gun collectors, are now forced to destroy their extensive collections—197 firearms owned by Thomas and 27 by Katharina—or hand them over to the police for destruction. This ruling not only infringes on their personal rights but also sets a dangerous precedent for targeting individuals based on political affiliation.

Funding Thugs to Intimidate and Harm

The German government has been proven to indirectly and directly fund and support radical left-wing terrorist groups like Antifa, which have engaged in violent attacks against AfD members. High-profile AfD politicians such as Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel have faced assassination attempts and severe threats, forcing them to live under constant police protection. These acts of violence, often met with insufficient government response, reveal a troubling double standard in the protection of political rights.

Alice Weidel has been under police protection following credible assassination threats since late September 2023, leading to the cancellation of her campaign plans ahead of state elections in Bavaria and Hesse. Similarly, Stefan Jurca, an AfD candidate, was attacked in Augsburg, and Beatrix von Storch, the AfD Vice-Speaker in the Bundestag, was assaulted with human feces by a leftist terrorist.

Tino Chrupalla was hospitalized after a suspected syringe attack by left-wing extremists on October 4, 2023, during a campaign event in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. The AfD has faced not only physical violence but also systematic harassment and intimidation by left-wing extremists emboldened by the government’s tacit support.

A History of Suppression and International Implications

The attack on Compact is not an isolated incident but part of a broader trend of suppression. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Compact was targeted for its criticism of lockdown measures. In the summer of 2020, its Facebook and Instagram accounts were deactivated by Meta, allegedly due to government pressure. In the spring of 2024, Compact’s bank accounts were closed, further crippling its operations. Despite these challenges, Compact continued to publish, only to face the ultimate crackdown with the recent ban and police raids.

The ban on Compact and the revocation of gun rights for AfD members have sparked both domestic outrage and international concern. These moves are seen as severe restrictions on press freedom and democratic rights, drawing parallels to authoritarian regimes. The fact that Compact remains accessible on YouTube, despite the German government’s directive, suggests resistance from global tech giants against local government overreach.

The implications of this crackdown extend beyond Germany. It sets a dangerous precedent for other EU countries, where governments might feel emboldened to suppress dissenting media and political opposition under the guise of protecting democracy.

Defending Democracy Against Left-Wing Tyranny

The left-wing German government’s concerted efforts to dismantle its conservative opposition through state-sponsored violence, legal persecution, and media suppression represent a disturbing trend of political suppression and the erosion of democratic principles. Despite facing constant attacks and legal hurdles, the AfD continues to gain support, showcasing the growing support among the German populace for its pro-nation stance.

The persecution of the AfD and the suppression of conservative media like Compact highlight a broader pattern of political oppression seen globally, where conservative voices are systematically targeted and silenced. The international community must recognize and respond to these injustices, ensuring a fair and just political landscape.

By opposing these unjust measures, the AfD is defending its rights and the principles of democracy that should protect all political entities in Germany. This ongoing battle against political lawfare and aggression is not just about one party; it is about safeguarding a constitutional republic from authoritarian rule. The fight for justice continues, and the AfD remains committed to challenging these draconian measures and standing firm against orchestrated efforts to silence and marginalize its members.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



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