Government Outraged Over 'Foreigners Out – Germany for the Germans’ Chant While Remaining Silent on Migrant Crimes (Video)

While the government and media react with outrage to a drunken chant of ‘Foreigners out – Germany for the Germans,’ by trying to destroy the young people’s lives, they remain conspicuously silent on the rising tide of deadly and sexual migrant-related crimes and violence.

Germany is in a state of hysteria over a group of intoxicated young people who were recorded chanting “Foreigners out – Germany for the Germans” to a pop song on the island of Sylt. The reaction from the open borders federal government and the media has been outrageous, with top officials like Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser condemning the incident as “disgusting” and “inhumane.” Left-wing media seized on the video, calling the phrase a neo-Nazi slogan.

Below is a video of the “incident”:

Former Austrian MP Gerald Grosz Speaks Out

Former Austrian Member of Parliament Gerald Grosz has criticized the German government’s response, highlighting the disproportionate reaction to the Sylt incident compared to their silence regarding the epidemic of migrant sexual and physical attacks and killings. Grosz questions why the government and media are so quick to react to this minor event while ignoring far more significant threats and incidents that pose real dangers to the nation.

Grosz also took aim at Finance Minister Christian Lindner, criticizing his extravagant lifestyle funded by taxpayers. Grosz mockingly referred to Lindner as the “taxpayer-subsidized jet set oyster monster,” implying that Lindner’s luxurious lifestyle sets a poor example, especially when compared to the teenagers’ behavior on Sylt.

The Real Issues Being Ignored

While the government focuses on a minor incident involving five drunk teenagers, critical issues in Germany continue to go unaddressed:

  • For example, the government was not nearly as outraged when Muslim and left-wing students seized control of Humboldt University and chanted “Palestine for the Palestinians, Jews out”?” and genocidal antisemitic chants.
  • German professional soccer player Antonio Rüdiger’s public one-finger gesture, misinterpreted by some as an ISIS salute, was ignored despite sparking public debate.

Grosz points out the hypocrisy in the government’s actions, noting that serious crimes like rape and murder by “lone wolves” are downplayed, while a minor party incident is treated as a national emergency.

A Culture of Public Shaming and Surveillance

Grosz criticizes the public shaming and surveillance culture that has developed in Germany, where individuals are hunted on social media and their lives are ruined over minor infractions. He points out the hypocrisy, stating, “The faces of lone wolves, thieves, fraudsters, rapists, murderers, terrorists are pixelated, their names made unrecognizable. Yes, that is ideologically motivated protection of perpetrators.”

Grosz questions the morality of this approach, asking, “Does this justify exposing these young people to millions, hunting them on social networks, revealing their names, addresses, and employers, and effectively destroying their lives and jobs?”


In 2024, Germany is facing a downward spiral, losing all sense of proportion and rationality. The government’s hyper-moral stance has led to a culture of extreme reactions and public shaming, ignoring more significant threats and issues. As Grosz succinctly puts it, “Germany is on the way to a moral, economic, and social abyss.”

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



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