Great Replacement: A Third of the Children in Vienna Are Now Muslim

Compared to data from the 2016/17 academic year, where 31 percent were Catholic and 28 percent were Muslim, the current proportions indicate a notable increase in Muslim representation.

Vienna, Austria—Primary school demographics in Vienna have undergone a significant shift, with Muslim students now constituting 35 percent of the student body, surpassing Catholics as the largest religious group. This demographic change has prompted experts to advocate for mandatory education in democracy and Western values across Austrian schools.

Recent data from the Education Directorate reveals that among Vienna’s primary school students, 35 percent are Muslim, 26 percent are non-religious, 21 percent are Catholic, 13 percent are Orthodox, and 2 percent belong to other denominations. Sociologist Kenan Güngör noted that these figures exclude around ten percent of students attending private schools, which could slightly lower the proportion of Muslim students if included.

Compared to data from the 2016/17 academic year, where 31 percent were Catholic and 28 percent were Muslim, the current proportions indicate a notable increase in Muslim representation.

The survey also highlights that many young Muslim students in Vienna are deeply religious and actively participating in mosque activities. It also notes concerning attitudes towards Jews, LGBTQ individuals, and gender equality among these Islamic students.

Advocacy for Curriculum Change

Education Councillor Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS) has renewed his call for replacing compulsory religious education with a new subject focused on “Living in a Democracy.” This proposed curriculum would teach democratic principles, values, ethics, and comprehensive knowledge of all recognized religions starting from the first year of primary school. Wiederkehr criticized the current system, which restricts ethics education to upper secondary school and only if students opt out of religious education. He emphasized the need for a federal law to effect this change despite facing opposition from left-wing political parties like the ÖVP and the Greens.

Societal and Educational Implications

Kenan Güngör highlighted parallel developments within Austrian schools due to increased immigration from Islamic-Arab regions. While acknowledging that some schools manage religious diversity well, Güngör points out localized challenges where Islamic beliefs foster perceptions of superiority. He also highlights growing societal skepticism towards Islam, affecting Muslim students’ experiences. Güngör stresses the importance of addressing these challenges through comprehensive education in democracy and values applicable to all children regardless of religious background.

Source: Exxpress

RAIR Foundation


  • “Democracy” —what a f*cking joke. More like socialist idiocracy! Kick out the trash and restore order. You can’t educate hairy pigheads. They are mentally and socially retarded!


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