Horrific Jihad Attack in Frankfurt: Afghan (19) Stabs Woman Multiple Times in the Head and Neck

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)

Frankfurt am Main, Hesse—In a chilling incident on Monday afternoon, June 10th, a 19-year-old Afghan jihadi brutally attacked a woman with a knife, leaving her seriously injured. The jihad attack took place on the Main riverside promenade, a typically peaceful area.

The 41-year-old woman was seated on a park bench when the migrant approached her from behind and began stabbing her in the head and neck with a carpet knife. Despite her desperate attempt to escape, she stumbled and fell, at which point the attacker continued to stab her as she lay on the ground.

Passersby, alerted by the woman’s screams, rushed to her aid, causing the attacker to flee. Their prompt action and the efficient response of the police led to the suspect being found hiding in a bush on Oskar-von-Miller-Straße shortly after the crime. The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment of her serious injuries.

Senior Public Prosecutor Dominik Mies commended the bravery of the passersby, stating, “The civil courage of the passersby is to be expressly praised. This civil courage and subsequent excellent police work led to the suspect’s arrest very quickly — and thus, something worse may possibly have been prevented.”

The Islamic suspect, who has no prior criminal record, is currently in custody and being investigated for attempted murder, among other charges. The “motive” behind this unprovoked attack remains unclear.

The press release from the Frankfurt am Main Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Frankfurt Police Headquarters provided further details:

“On Monday, June 10, 2024, at around 1:55 pm, a 19-year-old man stabbed a 41-year-old woman near the banks of the Main. She was seriously injured. The 19-year-old Afghan national was arrested.

According to the current state of the investigation, the woman was sitting on a park bench on the banks of the Main when the suspect approached her unnoticed from behind, grabbed her by the shoulder, and suddenly stabbed her head and neck several times with a carpet knife. The woman was able to briefly escape the grip of the unknown attacker and escape a few meters. When she stumbled and fell to the ground, the suspect is said to have caught up with her and stabbed the victim several times again as she lay on the ground. The woman’s screams alerted witnesses to what had happened, and they went to the crime scene. The suspect is said to have then let go of his victim and fled.

The witnesses provided first aid and called the police and rescue services, who cared for the victim. Extensive search measures were immediately initiated, which also involved a police helicopter, and soon led to the suspect being found, who had hidden in a bush on Oskar-von-Miller-Straße. He was temporarily arrested, and the carpet knife was confiscated.

The public prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt am Main today requested an arrest warrant from the investigating judge at the Frankfurt am Main district court on suspicion of attempted murder in conjunction with dangerous bodily harm, which was issued. The suspect is in custody. The investigations, particularly into the background and motive of the crime, are ongoing.”

RAIR Foundation


  • This attack would never have occured had the satanic kabal not sh*tbombed Europe with heathen inbred psychopathic retards! Now feed the bastard to the pigs!

  • I wonder when, if ever, people will rise up and put a stop to this. When, or will, they ever realize the snake is in the house having a great time. It’s like no one notices what’s going on.

  • Islam is incompatible with any other society and should have never been allowed into the E.U. your leaders knew this very well and did it anyway, they are your enemies as well. Stupidity and ignorance is not an excuse for the problems they caused, deport all Muslim trouble makes now.


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