How Big Tobacco Engineered Our Food to Addict Children

The cigarette giants, RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris, bought out the food industry, repurposed scientists to create addictive ultra-processed foods, and manipulated the Food Pyramid through corrupt institutions, turning American children’s diets into a dangerous science experiment.

The tobacco industry has spearheaded a shocking transformation of our food system, turning it into a tool for addiction. “Our food is literally now a science experiment to addict children,” former pharmaceutical consultant Calley Means revealed in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

The Shift from Cigarettes to Food

In the 1990s, RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris, the two largest cigarette companies in the world, shifted their focus to the food industry. As public health authorities exposed the dangers of cigarettes, these companies used their vast financial resources to buy entire sections of the food industry. The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals they orchestrated were among the largest in history at the time.

Following these acquisitions, the cigarette companies repurposed their extensive teams of scientists. Instead of making cigarettes more addictive, these scientists were now tasked with applying the same addictive principles to food. According to Means, “Our food is now a science experiment,” deliberately designed to hook consumers.

The Food Pyramid Lie

However, the cigarette industry’s influence didn’t end with re-engineering food; they also reshaped public perceptions of nutrition. Their powerful lobbying efforts significantly influenced the creation of the infamous Food Pyramid, which placed carbohydrates and sugar at its base, misleadingly promoted as the foundation of a healthy diet. In reality, it was a tool designed to drive the consumption of addictive, unhealthy foods.

The food industry, now heavily influenced by tobacco money, paid off institutions like the FDA, the USDA, and even Harvard University. These entities produced reports claiming that sugar was not a cause of obesity, further misleading the public and shaping dietary guidelines to favor ultra-processed foods.

The Rise of Ultra-Processed Foods

As a result of these efforts, American diets shifted dramatically toward ultra-processed foods. Today, an astonishing 70 percent of the average American child’s diet consists of these foods, which are essentially designed to be addictive.

“These ultra-processed foods are literally created by the cigarette industry to addict kids,” Means emphasized. The chemicals used in these foods wreak havoc on the human body, particularly in children. “These ingredients are not what we were biologically made to eat; they didn’t exist 100 years ago!”

The Dangers of Seed Oils

Among the most harmful components of this engineered diet are seed oils. These oils have become the top source of calories in the American diet, yet they are far from healthy. “These seed oils were actually created by John D. Rockefeller as a byproduct of oil production—it’s basically engine lubricant,” Means explained.

The takeover of the food industry by cigarette companies has turned what we eat into a tool for addiction, with devastating consequences for public health. As we navigate this engineered food landscape, we must ask ourselves: How much longer will we allow profit to dictate our children’s health?

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

1 comment

  • I have heard this information over the past few years. It needs to be more widely discussed. It must be being suppressed by someone. I wonder who that could be?


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