'I Will Cut Off Your Head': Afghan Muslim Refugee Posing as Christian, Threatens to Behead Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer

Austria’s immigration policies face criticism as an Afghan Muslim asylum seeker, previously denied entry, threatens the life of Chancellor Karl Nehammer.

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer has recently been the target of chilling Islamic death threats, sparking a strong response from Austria’s Interior Ministry. The threats were allegedly made by an Afghan Muslim national who had been granted asylum in Austria. The individual has since been arrested.

The incident came to light when Nehammer’s team reported a disturbing Instagram message to the Constitutional Protection Service. The message, sent directly to the Chancellor, read: “Change your behavior, or I’ll kill you in parliament. I’ll cut off your head.” The suspect was swiftly located and apprehended in Telfs, Tyrol.

The investigation revealed that, despite claiming to be Christian, the suspect is Muslim. He harbors Islam’s deadly, religiously sanctioned views towards non-Muslims. Additionally, he has a history of dangerous, misogynistic behavior rooted in his religion. The man had initially been denied asylum in Austria but successfully appealed the decision with the help of a left-wing lawyer.

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner responded to the incident with firm resolve, stating, “We do not tolerate Islamic activities and death threats. The Internet is not a lawless zone. Islamic extremists will be fought without compromise and with all the rigor of the rule of law.”

This threat comes on the heels of another alarming incident involving Muslims in Austria. On August 7, 2024, three young men were arrested by Austrian police for allegedly planning to target a Taylor Swift concert at Vienna’s Ernst Happel Stadium. These men, also from Islamic backgrounds, intended to unleash carnage on innocent concertgoers, highlighting the persistent and growing threat that Austria faces from the Muslim religious community. The arrests were made thanks to a tip-off from U.S. intelligence services, which helped avert what could have been a devastating jihad attack.

Karl Nehammer, who has been a vocal critic of illegal immigration and the dangerous influx of individuals from countries where hatred of the West is ingrained, has found himself in the crosshairs of these jihadis. Nehammer has repeatedly warned about the dangers posed by unchecked immigration, particularly from countries where Islamic ideology teaches hatred towards non-Muslims and the West. His firm stance on securing Austria’s borders and protecting its citizens from these dangers has made him a target.

Criticisms of Nehammer’s Immigration Policies

While Nehammer’s rhetoric has been strong, his policies have often fallen short of his tough talk. Many critics argue that instead of merely managing the dangerous migrants they have let into their country with measures like stab-proof vests and weapon-free zones, more decisive actions are needed to address the root of the problem.

For instance, despite announcing plans to deport foreign criminals and set up asylum centers outside Austria, many of these initiatives have not been fully realized. Economic incentives for migrants and inconsistent enforcement of immigration laws have further undermined the credibility of his stance on illegal immigration. The Austrian public remains skeptical, with many believing that Nehammer’s tough talk on immigration is merely a bid to regain popularity before the upcoming legislative elections scheduled for autumn 2024.

The knife attack on a police officer in Vienna last month by a Jordanian migrant is another reminder of the dangers that still persist. The attacker, who had reportedly wanted to commit “suicide by cop,” was stopped only by the officer’s quick reflexes and the effectiveness of his stab-proof vest. This incident follows the tragic murder of a young German police officer by an Afghan refugee, highlighting the escalating violence that has accompanied the influx of migrants from Islamic countries.

The Broader Issue

Austria, like much of Europe, has struggled with the consequences of welcoming large numbers of migrants from Islamic countries, many of whom bring with them deeply ingrained dangerous Muslim beliefs that are incompatible with Western values. These incidents, including the threat against Nehammer and the attempted attacks in Vienna, are glaring reminders of the dangers of allowing Muslims from hostile Islamic backgrounds into the heart of Europe.

These latest events highlight the necessity for more comprehensive and enforceable policies as the gap between the government’s rhetoric and the realities on the ground continues to widen. Austria cannot afford to ignore the growing threat posed by Islam and the dangerous consequences of uncontrolled immigration from countries that harbor deep-seated hatred towards the West.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

1 comment

  • The radical Muslim wants to cut off your head. The moderate Muslim wants the radical Muslim to cut off your head.


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