Invasion of Greece: EU Spends € 276 Million on New Migrant Camps, Locals Outraged (Videos)

While the EU Commissioner is concerned about the rights and living conditions of the refugees and migrants she completely ignores the economic burdens and safety concerns of the islanders

Greek citizens and politicians protested the new renovations and construction of five migrant camps on the Greek islands. On Monday March 29, European Commissioner, Ylva Johansson visited Lesbo to announce the European Union will allocate 276 million euros ($323,379,540.00 U.S) for the new buildings that will house illegal migrant. The commissioner also pressured the Greek government to build the new camps as quickly as possible.

Once again, the EU creates incentives for migrants to invade Greece, and ensure a comfortable long stay at the expense of the taxpayers. Watch the following excerpt of Commissioner Johansson’s news conference:

The building of camps comes after the increased onslaught of illegal migrants, who are mostly middle eastern, male, Muslim migrants. The need for the new camps also follows the migrant arsonists who frequently set fire to their camps and destroy their facilities presumably, to be released into Western Europe.

Since the burning of their facilities, the migrants have lived in makeshift camps. Many however have been been rewarded by Angela Merkel with relocation to Germany.

The largest new camp will be built on Lesbos and will be ready to start receiving illegals next winter, despite residents rising up against the measure, as reported at RAIR. “The exact time has not yet been determined,” said the Greek migration minister Notis Mitarakis, but work should start in early summer. For the first time, the EU will take over part of the administration after the completion of camps has ended.

WATCH: Imported ‘Riot Police’ Forced to Retreat after Greek Citizens Fight Construction of Refugee Camp
Lesbos citizens block path to new migrant construction site

Johansson traveled to the Aegean island, where she urged the Greek government to speed up the opening of new camps on the islands of Samos, Chios, Kos, and Lesbos before winter. She also called on “Turkey to urgently readmit the migrants returned from Greece ”.

Even before arriving to the Greek Islands, Johansson posted an article on the European Union website explaining her upcoming trip to Greece and pressuring them to expedite the building of the new EU-funded camps.

In her letter, the Commissioner completely ignores the constant opposition of the vast majority of local communities and governments to the EU plans. Furthermore, while the Commissioner is concerned about the rights and living conditions of the refugees and migrants, she completely ignores the economic burdens, as well as the safety concerns of the islanders. The Commissioner repeatedly cites humanitarian reasons for taking care of the illegals, but does not find a single word of support for the people of the North Aegean. Nor does she mention the disproportionate weight that islanders have shouldered on behalf of all of Europe.

Tired of being ignored and their islands being destroyed, locals protested the arrival of the EU commissioner. Greeks marched towards the government building where Greek Minister of Migration Notis Mitarakis and Johansson were going to be giving a presser. The crowds marched behind a huge banner that read, “Neither in Lesvos nor anywhere else will we turn Greek islands into prisons“ (rhymes in Greek), according to reporter, Giorgos Christides. In English the banner states, “No structures on the Island, Europe take responsibility.”

“They have to leave the island. Let the island become ours again. It should not become an island outside the borders of the European Union, an island that will be turned into a grave for us and for foreigners”, says a resident of Mytilene.

The Governor of the Northern Aegean Kostas Moutzouris, is fighting back against the EU-funded migrant camps. Moutzouris refused to meet with Johansson and Mitarakis and said he stands with the locals who will help prevent the construction of the buildings. “A proposal is implemented, if it is embraced by the local community. It is not imposed by bats and police measures”, stated the Governor.

In a letter penned by the Governor, he stresses the only way a solution can be reached with the EU is when the citizens of Greece and their representatives’ voices are respected,

The sooner the European institutions realize that the islanders are not going to allow the creation of permanent residence structures on the Greek and European borders, the sooner we will be able to find a fair solution. There are solutions as long as the whole of Europe assumes its responsibilities! Respecting the disagreement of the inhabitants of our islands and as their legally elected representatives, we must express and defend their positions, protecting the interests and the Greekness of our place, honoring the sacrifices of our ancestors.

The new migrant facilities being built in Greece are part of a left-wing Global plot to use migrants to dilute host cultures, so they can ensure more votes, and seize power. Instead of the EU urging countries to close their borders, they continue to reward migrants’ illegal behaviors and build more facilities to house them.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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