Invasion of Young Male Migrants Sparks Sexual Assault and Violence Crisis: German Women Pay the Heaviest Price

The unchecked influx of young male migrants has resulted in numerous sex offenders entering the country. This has prompted the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) to push for a reduction in the number of asylum seekers, while the left-wing Green Party remains silent on the issue.

Irregular migration to Germany has negatively impacted security in public spaces, with women and girls particularly affected. In addition to existing violence from native Germans, they are at risk from sex offenders who arrived as part of asylum migration.

According to police crime statistics, between 2015 and 2022, over 8,590 reported cases of rape, sexual coercion, and sexual assault involving immigrants. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) uses “immigrant” to refer to people who came to Germany via the asylum system. Over 90% of victims of these crimes are female.

Most Rape Victims Are German

Between 2017 and 2020, over 3,000 women fell victim to rape by one or more refugees, most of whom were German citizens. Refugees are heavily overrepresented as suspects in rape cases.

The Numbers

In 2022, asylum migrants made up less than 2.5% of the population but were significantly overrepresented in violent crimes. They are involved in 12-16% of cases involving rape, sexual coercion, and sexual assault.

There is a significant number of unreported rape cases, with experts estimating only 20% of crimes against sexual self-determination are reported. Criminologist Christian Pfeiffer told “Tagesschau” that the low conviction rate is due to 85% of women not reporting the crime.

Young Men Overrepresented in Migration

Young, single men comprise about two-thirds of irregular immigrants, excluding Ukrainians. This demographic is particularly overrepresented in sexual crimes. In 2020, refugees were five times overrepresented in rape cases, according to Koopmans’ book “The Asylum Lottery.”

The overrepresentation is attributed to the men’s own experiences of violence and the patriarchal structures of their countries of origin, such as Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria.

Crime Rate Increases Among Moroccans and Tunisians

Recent statistics reveal alarming increases in crime rates among certain immigrant groups. Crimes involving Moroccans in Germany saw a 288% increase in “murder and manslaughter” over four years. Tunisians showed a 53% rise in similar crimes. There was also a significant rise in “crimes against sexual self-determination,” including rape, with Moroccans showing a 65% increase and Tunisians 165%. Additionally, physical assault (Moroccans +32%, Tunisians +63%) and violent crimes (Moroccans +67%, Tunisians +110%) have surged.

Political and Governmental Responses

Despite Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s promises, the traffic light coalition (comprising the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Green Party, and the Free Democratic Party (FDP)) has seen deportation numbers fall from 2019 to 2023. For Tunisians, deportations decreased from 319 to 273, and for Moroccans, from 696 to 272. The CDU, while advocating for increased deportations, has also been criticized for not effectively deporting thousands of foreigners who are required to leave the country in the federal states it governs.

Tragic Cases

Behind these statistics are harrowing stories. In Uelzen, an 18-year-old Moroccan kicked a 56-year-old father to death at a train station. In France, a Tunisian stabbed a 17-year-old woman to death after she laughed at him during sex. In Apolda, a Moroccan has terrorized the city for a decade. The most infamous case involved Tunisian Anis Amri, who, after entering Germany illegally, murdered twelve people and injured over 100 in the Breitscheidplatz attack.

CDU Calls for Deportations to Syria and Afghanistan

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) demands a permanent reduction in asylum seekers and the consistent deportation of criminals to their countries of origin, including Syria and Afghanistan. CDU Member of Parliament Christoph de Vries emphasizes the need to protect women over sex offenders.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior, led by Social Democrat Nancy Faeser, condemns these crimes as “abhorrent” and calls for full legal punishment regardless of nationality.

Alternative for Germany (AfD) Co-Leader Weidel Finds Case Numbers “Unbelievable”

Alice Weidel, co-chair of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), describes the figures as “unbelievable,” highlighting the impact of open-border policies since 2015. She calls for strict legal action and deportation of convicted offenders, prioritizing the protection of citizens over “misunderstood tolerance.”

Perpetrators Often Known to Police

Manuel Ostermann, deputy chairman of the German Federal Police Union, points out that perpetrators often have temporary protection status in Germany. He demands immediate deportation for legally convicted migrants and detention pending deportation if necessary.

The Collective Loss of Freedom

Ostermann notes a collective loss of freedom in Germany, particularly for women, who increasingly avoid public places due to the risk of violence. Koopmans argues that many of these crimes could have been avoided with different migration policies, criticizing the open border policy since 2015.

Despite the end of the Merkel era, there seems to be no improvement in sight. Interior Minister Faeser advocates for “saving the Europe of open borders,” leaving the question of the cost of this policy unanswered.

Statistics and Context

  • Reported Cases: Between 2015 and 2022, there were over 8,590 reported cases of rape, sexual coercion, and sexual assault involving immigrants.
  • Victim Demographics: Over 90% of victims of sexual crimes are female. Most victims of rapes by refugees are German citizens.
  • Underreporting: Experts estimate that only 20% of crimes against sexual self-determination are reported. 85% of women do not report sexual crimes, leading to low conviction rates.
  • Population Proportion: In 2022, asylum migrants comprised less than 2.5% of Germany’s population but were heavily overrepresented in violent crimes.
  • Gender Distribution: Around two-thirds of irregular immigrants are young, single men, a demographic particularly overrepresented in sexual crimes.
  • Country of Origin Impact: Migrants from patriarchal societies like Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria are significantly overrepresented in sexual crime statistics.

Political Responses

  • CDU Position: The CDU calls for reducing the number of asylum seekers and deporting criminals, emphasizing the protection of women.
  • Green Party Silence: Despite multiple inquiries, the Greens did not respond to requests for comments on the number of cases.
  • Federal Ministry of the Interior: Condemns the crimes and calls for full legal punishment, regardless of nationality.
  • AfD Position: Calls for strict legal action and deportation of convicted offenders, criticizing open-border policies.


The influx of young, single men through asylum migration since 2015 has led to a significant number of sexual crimes against women in Germany. The overrepresentation of asylum migrants in these crimes, despite their small population proportion, highlights the need for policy changes. The CDU and AfD are vocal in their calls for stricter immigration controls and deportations, while the Greens remain silent on the issue. The Federal Ministry of the Interior and law enforcement officials emphasize the need for rigorous legal action to protect women and ensure public safety.

Source: NZZ, / Bild/ NieuwRechts

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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